Today we caught the bus down to the local Sure Start childrens' centre for 'Mother Knows Breast'. Molly was a bit grizzly when we arrived so I took her to the changing room to check her nappy - pretty damp, so I decided to change her. Molly loves being changed (what's with that?! I think she likes being 'free and natural'!), and started happily wriggling and being all happy and alert once I removed her nappy. I'd just started to wipe her bottom, legs in the air, when she passed a little gas and a bit of poop came out - I caught this in the wipe (go me!), but then what looked and felt like gallons of poop shot out, shot either side of the wipe, hit the wall and went all over the change mat, her nappy (thankfully the dirty one!), her clothes, my hand, her legs, and the paper towel rather optimistically designed to absorb any accidents. I started laughing and saying "Oh no, oh no, oh dear, oh God" at which point the centre staff came to check nothing was wrong and discovered their wall all covered in newborn poop! I appologised profusely and cleaned up as best I could, cleaned Molly, redressed her, and washed up while a lady stood ready wearing latex gloves and armed with a bottle of disinfectant. I felt terrible! But it was pretty funny...
Later today she had ANOTHER eipc poop, this time contained in her nappy but that went all up her back. She hasn't pooped properly in a couple of days so was obviously saving it all up. Plus I've been on antibiotics so she's had a bit of diarrhea and gas - there's definitely a fair amount of force behind her bowel movements! And I just heard Tom upstairs exclaiming because she's peed all over her babygrow. Clearly a busy day for Molly!