Since I've last posted anyway. On the positive side, that usually means I'm doing pretty well. Which to be honest, I have been. I've actually been happier in many ways than I have been in a very long time. My friend Eric visited for a month and it was definitely worth the harrying to get him up here. He added something to this household
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Comments 4
If you want to go to culinary school, there is a fabulous one located very near to my apartment. One of my roommates, who happens to be moving out this fall, attends and brings us home all kinds of yum.
It's definitely true that people make a place. When you take away the people, every city in the world is only so much brick and concrete. But the marks that the people leave on the landscape and on each other, the societies they create, that's what I want to experience. I am not terribly impressed with San Francisco, but I have met some amazing people in the Bay Area, and I am sure I could be persuaded to stay, even if it means I will forever be poor.
Just a few moments ago I was curled up in bed listening to the rain fall, and on my backstep is a beautiful lily in full bloom. San Francisco does have its moments. :)
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