Here is the sneak peek for Chapter 13: Sleepless Night -
She walked past the bookshop on the outskirts of town and was about to turn into an alley, when she became alert the approach of some guys. She could tell that they weren’t very nice guys. She backed away as quietly as she could, but they had noticed her anyway. A quick and discreet look back, revealed that some of the guys were walking towards her, while the others had gone off in the other direction. Her fingers twitched in anticipation.
An ambush waiting to happen.
She walked out onto the parking lot when she saw a few had gathered. She could hear them whispering amongst themselves.
“Ah. Here she comes,” one of them whispered.
“I like the look of this one. Think she’s a fighter?”
“Seems like. It’ll make things more interestingly.”
From their conversation Bella knew what they were planning to do. It made her disgusted. It was then she decided she would teach them a lesson. Who knew what they could do to somebody else who couldn’t fight back at all?
And she knew they would underestimate her. She had already been gearing for a fight and knowingly walked into their ambush.
“Hey there!” one of the called. He stopped several feet in front of her. The other two stopped with him. Behind her, Bella heard another two friends of his slowing until they were a few feet from her.
The one that was speaking to her, presumably the leader, was the eldest of the lot, and looked to be in his late twenties. He was wearing a flannel shirt and dirty jeans that had large tears. His two friends next him wore similar clothing, which was also very dirty and worn.
The leader took two steps towards her. Bella held her ground. She heard the two behind her shift eagerly in anticipation and she gave a little smile.
“Move,” Bella ordered with a rough voice. The tone held a hint of danger, but the men only laughed, smirking at each other. “I’ll give you this one chance. Go home… move!” she repeated.
They laughed harder. “Yeah right, missy,” the friend on the right said.
Bella shrugged indifferently. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”