Title: A Tail
Pairing: HoMin, JaeSuChun
Genre: AU, crack, smut
Rating: R
Warning: Let's just say it goes into slight furry territory.
A/N: Where did this plunnie come from? Strangely enough, DBZ. And if you get that connection, you rock. XD. Anyway, I figured this would be a late Halloween fic in AU land. Hope you enjoy!
enter if you dare. )
Comments 11
love :)
ironic isnt it? the way min was the deer and yunho so happens to like bambi >.<; xD
and lolol yeah, very true! I wasn't thinking about that when I started writing this, but it ended up becoming that way hahah.
glad you liked!!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
ahhhh Changmin was so cute here >3< I just want to squish him!!! and Yunho alskdjf unf. ♥
The JaeSuChun was rather amusing (and cute too XD)
The ending though alskdjfsdf what did it all mean DDD; real or not hahahaha XD love this ♥ it needs more love
And yes, I was trying to write a sequel but it wasn't making sense logically and I kept getting stuck :( so tbh, I'm not sure if I really have an answer for you at this point.
Sadly, I'm not as involved in this fandom anymore, but thank you for your lovely words!!
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