I know it's been approximately seven forevers, but a thing happened and I feel too selfish posting about it on Facebook and Tumblr feels too impersonal (I haven't known most of my followers for very long and I don't post personal stuff there basically ever, so). ANYway.
A persistent person in my life, a friend, someone I have known as long as I've known Estrellada (who is chosen family with this person), died suddenly yesterday afternoon. He had a partner and was co-parenting two teenagers with different parent groups. He was a good person who was trying to be better. He loved terrible jokes and as many puns as could be fit into a sentence and bodily functions and Cthulhu and table top RPGs and fairies and glitter and science.
I always feel alone when things like this happen. I'm on my desktop right now, with my phone (ringer on, for once) in my pocket and my netbook on the bed behind me; I keep hitting the touchpad, like there's a communication mode available through it that's not on one of the other two things. I've already called in to work for today--It Might Be A Bad Idea to drive a bus if you find yourself sobbing on the kitchen floor at 5:00AM. I'm going to talk to my supervisor when he gets in later about taking tomorrow too; I'm on holidays for two weeks after that. Technically this isn't covered by legal bereavement leave, but fuck. I can't drive like this and I need to be available for Other People.
Ugh. Fuck entropy.
This is a DW-origin crospost, oh noes. Please comment on the original post
here. There are currently