Don't get upset, the street value on that AMC pacer wasn't worth much anyway, especially with those bumper stickers, "I'd rather be ballroom dancing" and "I [heart] the Establishment-set status quo."
Those with the black mist could have been real. I know that sometimes when you sleep you'll been in a state where you're dreaming, yet you're awake. And you see things. I've had that happen before.
Let suggest this that I heard from a friend of my mom's. He had problems with black mists some much so that even his cat was effected. One night he finally took crusifix and spoke, "In Jesus name, leave me alone. You have no power here." Or you could just trying anointing the doors and praying over them.
Oh yah, if I think its real I start telling it to get lost in Jesus name no problem. But I just end up shouting that a lot half asleep and feeling a bit foolish most times. Since it only happens when Im not on meds :)
Comments 5
Let suggest this that I heard from a friend of my mom's. He had problems with black mists some much so that even his cat was effected. One night he finally took crusifix and spoke, "In Jesus name, leave me alone. You have no power here." Or you could just trying anointing the doors and praying over them.
You can try that if you like.
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