Yesterday I got money, finally. To get money, you have to go to the bank, this is the place where they cash checks. Or so you would think
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Following reading this article: Color psychologist?....Interesting degree. "A mix of red and blue, the color purple embodies red's sense of authority but also blue's association with serenity... And because the color is linked to creativity and royalty, it is also more encouraging to students." Right. A bit out there, to me. I like the idea of sticky notes on the papers, though- Nice idea in my book.
It's fun to go out all gothed up. I went out in a bright red dread wig and oodles of red eyemakeup one night to a Coney. Funny, indeed.
I like the fact that (apparently...I didn't detect any disdain) you don't seem to get offended if people look at you funny when your all dressed up for Hallow...I mean, as a Goth. I get annoyed at people who blather around in all of their "difference" and then act like "What the eff are you looking at?" when people look at them (which is actually what they want so...why the attitude?). Like they get offended that people would actually STARE at a person wearing Kiss makeup and a dog collar and a t-shirt that reads "I Just Farted; Deal." As if those crazy straights just don't accept them. Well, newsflash: It isn't that they don't accept, it's that it's hard not to take notice of someone who is quite obviously going out of their way to make a spectacle of themselves. I mean, I don't have anything against giant tanker ships, but I'd sure stop and stare if I saw one standing on it's stern in the middle of the effing city. It's just not something you see everyday, is what I'm getting at.
Well... I do wonder sometimes like... "Haven't you ever seen a goth before?" Its not like we are some secret. But I give little old ladies the benefit of the doubt. :)
Yeah... well, I really don't think about it much. I just like the way I am and I'm not afraid to show it, even if it makes some people stare. Actually, most people don't stare at me -- they act afraid, which I find quite amusing.
Comments 8
"A mix of red and blue, the color purple embodies red's sense of authority but also blue's association with serenity... And because the color is linked to creativity and royalty, it is also more encouraging to students."
Right. A bit out there, to me.
I like the idea of sticky notes on the papers, though- Nice idea in my book.
It's fun to go out all gothed up. I went out in a bright red dread wig and oodles of red eyemakeup one night to a Coney. Funny, indeed.
Coney= Coney Island restaurant. Cheap diner food.
Sorry for any confusion.
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