I knew it, Snape is evillll. Evil. Never liked him. Slimey greaseball.
Now that that is out of the way, I'd like to say that I ended this book saying, "This makes things a lot clearer, and yet obscures other things."
It's not the height of literary prowess, I'd like to say, and some people say it feels a bit like fan fic, which I sort of agree with. Even since the fourth book, I've been feeling like they grow less and less like the first three. In some ways, this is a good thing. I like to see Harry grow up. (I'd like to see Daniel Radcliff grow up and marry ME, but that is a different story altogether.) I think character developement in this book was superb, they are most certainly not little 11 year olds any more.
One inconsistancy I noticed: In chapter nine, page 188 (US edition), Slughorn says, "One tiny bottle of Felix Felicis... Enough for twelve hours' luck." (lines 7-9), then on page 476, Chapter twenty-two, Harry says, "I don't reckon I'll need all of [the Felix Felicis], not twenty-four hours' worth, it can't take all night..." (lines 17-18)
This indicates 1. a mistake or 2. that Harry didn't remember what Slughorn said about the potion.
Anyways. I loved that Harry and Ginny got together, that was so cute. I've been hoping for years. Aww.
And then, Harry said at the end that he wasn't going back to Hogwarts. Does this mean the 7th book won't be focused on his time at Hogwarts, as the books have been in the past? That was, in fact, the entire basis of the books: One for each year of his time at school.
All in all, pretty good, I think I'm going to reread the entire series.