Last night was sweet aside from puking. oh well you win some you lose some. i love kyle and ted. good times. Got an 85% on my mid term. Life is so good i can fucking taste it in my spit.
Last night was alot of fun. best time ive had since i can remeber. My friends rule alot. Although things have been going really good, i cant help feeling alone. But at least i found something again to fill that void in my life. prolly not the best idea, but for the time being, it'l do.
New fucking good. i cant stop listing to it. Jacob Bannon defantly outdid himself. This album was a major step up from "you fail me". Deathwish is defantly on top of their game this year, i mean the new Hope Con...seriously if you havent heard it you prolly live under a rock. deathwish kicks out the jams i want to work for them.
sooo i had a dream today that i was flying a tie fighter in space and fucking thrashing on x wings left and right. no reason behind why i was in the cockpit of a tie fighter, just was. it ruled hard.