Hey Gals and Guys :-)
I just got back home from the Romulus FireStorm in Romulus/Wayne, Michigan...
Here's the site of the what happened...
http://www.wxyz.com/wxyz/nw_local_news/article/0,2132,WXYZ_15924_3992765,00.html here's the pic of it... but.. the top of the pic is nearby my homes. 2 blocks....
My brother, Ryan and I ran all way to the fire that we saw and thought it was from his old school or any houses. It was looking awful bad fire ever, and we ran all way to there and by the end, theres explosion and theres bad hearing of hissing, I could hear without my implants and It was fiere loud and we saw a BIG fire with boom, and we smelled an odor of Toxic and we ran so hard and fast to get back home and update our parents what we saw. Then we listend and watched the news and ended up my parents heard the speakers down the stree saying we have to evauete our homes and leave the 1 miles radius of the fire. It ended up was the nueclear plant 2 blocks away from our block and was on the fire with 40 different kinds of checmials that all they found so far. Lucky no injuires at the end. We was one of evuatees of the homes of that fire for overnight, and finally let us come back home *last night* around 10. man it was the hell of the night on tuesday night.
I wanted to say belated happy birthday to my daddy on monday Aug 8th since I was at up north at my granny's because want to see me before i leave to give me a gift for my... umm. never mind :-) and was having good tan from there ;-) hehehe... I love you, Daddy.
and belated happy anniversary to UMMSILLYHYENA and her husband, their anniversary was on 7th of Aug. :-) Love you both ;-)
thats all I could post for now, but wanted to say that I love ya, Eric again :-) since the first post were about you :-D couldn't resist you ;-) XOXOXO
Good Night ;-)