Title: Without Breath
nautischPairing: Junhyung/Doojoon
Word count: ~7400
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Some vague descriptions of death?
Summary: Junhyung's stomach clenches tight and the feeling rises to his chest, gripping onto all of his organs and it's the most disgusting timing but even as Yoseob battles for air Junhyung can feel the bile
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Comments 4
I don't remember what I wrote for my prompts, but 2junseob is one of my beast ot3s and so this whole fic had my heart swelling at how much 2jun cared about yoseob and how he basically pulled them together through everything. there's a lot of apocalypse fics but I've never seen one where the issue was a drought/lack of oxygen, it was so refreshing. the scene when it finally rained and they were so happy was just so great idk I felt as happy as they were. such adorable mental images :") and the scene with his mother! I loved how you tied in that part of the mv so seamlessly. I am also really, really glad you didn't kill yoseob, but that's me being a sap.
tl;dr I don't know what I did to deserve this and I think I love you. thank you so so much &hearts
I originally had about three (that's all, cries) different ideas before this one, but it just came to me when I was watching the Soom MV and I just had to write it. And the MV is so rich, too, I couldn't even include half of what I'd planned to, but I'm so happy that what I did do worked for you! It was an amazing experience writing it. THANK YOU!
Gasp, I could never kill Yoseob! I'm far too sappy for that, too, I could never bring myself to do it.
And lasdgnkoasngo, again, I'm just so ecstatic that you enjoyed reading it! ♥
Hyunseung twirling
Hyunseung twirling
I love you.
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