Ok, What a long weekend or should i say week> < Hopefully this week i can get things on a time thingy.
Shall we go on to details of Maxwell? I warn you now,there could be some yucky things in the details so if you don't wanna hear it I would click the back button.
So on we go. Things started about 2am on the 11th. I woke up and had such back pain and pressure. the pressure was like the urge to go potty. And well that's what i thought it was but after i fully woke up and saw the pains were coming and going i was like oh i know what this means. But i still called the doctor to be sure. With Lilith all my labor pains were in the front. I felt bad for calling so early and it was hard to hear the lady doctor. But at this time i was only feeling pains like 7-10 min. They tend to tell you to wait till they are 3-5 min. the doctor asked if she should tell them i was coming in or would i hang at the house. I wanted to be sure it was really labor and well also to take a shower before the fun started.. And also I really didn't want to wake Lilith if i didn't have to. Waking a almost 3 year old, bad idea.
Well I fill the tub and sat in the warm water hoping it would help. by this time the pain was not easing and damn my back was hurting. So i yelled for Dave to wake up. he cam in sleepy. He had just fallen asleep, about an hour or so. I told him to come to and i would get out of the tub to call my parents, for lil, and for him to take a shower. I was hoping it would help wake him up. it was about 3:30 am by this time and still i only felt pains every 7-10 min. So i told him to be ready to leave in about an hour.
Waking my dad at 3 in the morning, no something I wanted to do but it was not really my choice. I rang him and asked him if he was bored. Hehe. So for the next 20 or so min Dave was up stairs and i was down stairs getting the last few things i needed. some things just could not be pack till then.
With Dave still washing up my parents got here and said they would just hang out till Lilith woke up. While we waited for Dave my step mother helped me with the last few things and i also let them know about Lilith's school Easter party. We had not gotten strawberries and hard boiled two eggs for her. I was thinking i would be sent home.
So about 430ish we set off for the two min drive to the hospital. Gotta love living only a few blocks away. We got there and got all signed in and up to the labor floor. it was 5:30 about this time. They hooked me up and checked me. I was still about 90% thin and had gotten to 3cm( I had been 2 for about the last two weeks) I was told they would let me go for an hour to make sure i was in labor and to see if i changed anymore.
An hour later. I was now 4cm. So it was decided to take me over to a labor and delivery room. See they only have three main ones so first come first served. I got walked over to the room and set all up. The nurse were all very very nice, which would make me feel bad after what happened later, but we are not to that part yet. They let me go to the potty when i asked. Max sat so low i felt the need to pee like every 5 seconds . I also got the good room. Why was it good. Well the new tv was in this room and i could flip the channels up and down. see in almost all the other rooms you have to go up though all the channel to get back to a lower number channel.
The sun was finally up. I was happy for this. It was just weird to be looking out the window in to the pitch black sky. And it was going to be a really nice warm day. I had planned to garden>.< so it was a tad after 7 and i told Dave to go get the bags and to let his parents know. I didn't want him calling them at 4 in the morning if nothing was sure. His uncle just died the week before and his mother was not taking it well. So he called them and i called my parents, while i still felt up to it. and see just ask i call them a pain hit, Blah! But i still only felt pains about 7-10 min. Well i was starting to think this would turn out to last all day. So when the nurse came in i asked her how far apart the contractions were. To my surprise
she said the where 2-3 min.
For the next hour or so, See i start losing track of time about now, we sat and watched tv, and joked with the nurse. She told me she had called for the epidural and that the guy was doing his morning things so hopefully he would be there soon. Soon after the Doctor came. Now this is my step mother's preferred doctor but not mine. I wonder why a guy would ever want to do this stuff. But he checked me and told me i was 100% thin and 6 cm. And then came the part that help all hell break lose. He broke my water.
Well almost as soon as that happened and a contraction came it was really hard to breath through it. and i was really in pain. Take note, still all i was having was back labor. The pains now felt closer together, and a whole hell of a lot worse. Soon after the man with the drugs came. Trust me when i say to a woman in labor he is the best looking man in the world. So he went on about all the stuff they must tell you. i was sat up and the epidural was started. During the time he put the epidural in i had to try to breath though the contractions and not move. I was in tears by this point. But with the hope that the pain would be eased and pains move to the front i would do my best. See with Lilith I have a bit of back labor and once I got the epidural the contractions moved up front. Well I was helped back to laying in the bed. the next contraction came and i could still feel pain on my right side. So i was given a super dose of meds., and the pain was eased Both my legs went completely numb.
It had not even been an hour i would say, when something happened. I remember what the epidural guy had said to look out for and let a nurse know if any of these things happened. Ringing in my ears. I told dave to get the nurse. I figured it was nothing, so i didn't want to try to reach for the nurse button. When she came in next thing i know she starts to run around yelling for the other nurses. I laid there with my ice in my had and telling dave to take it from me. The other nurses came in and one put oxygen on me and the the nurse that had been tending to me was putting something in my iv. while the nurse that put the oxygen on me was telling me to talk to her. What was i to say. So i was like um hi. Soon things eased and all setted. Next thing i heard was it had been my blood pressure. it was i think like 90/40 or something. I am not sure. Remember i was not quite able to recall stuff like numbers. But i was also told my lips when white and my eyes where fluttering. They were worry i was going to pass out. Now you may ask why did that happen. well it was that super dose of meds. You would think at this point i would finally get a few min to rest. NOPE. Next thing was just starting
Guess what time it was, Pushing time! Seemed after the blood pressure thing i had a brief something and my body had completely relaxed its self. Because of that i was ready to go. So in the time it had taken to get the epidural , nearly passing out, it was time to get Max's ass out.
I don't know how to explain it to you but its like when you have to use the bath room and you really bearly hold it in. Lets say its kinda like that. I laid there and just started to go on about wanting to push. so i was checked and i was 10cm and ready to go. I think it was about 10am by now for the for few pushes i was going good and i was with it. but soon i flipped, so to say. I could hear them all saying that the baby was really big. then the contractions changed. Yea they were painful but they burned. I was having a hard time pushing. I wanted to push but i had not had any time to rest. and all i could feel was burning and pressure and pain. I gave up i just start to say no, no i gave up. Ok well i could not give up. But for the next few contractions I just could not push. I was tired and my legs still were numb and my arms hurt from trying to hold my legs. It was just i was at the point of completely , i don't even know. I had felt hopless, that this was never going to end. Then the doctor was doing something to try to help push Max out. Now it felt like he was pushing on my butt hole but i think it was him cutting me. But soon i knew somewhere i had to push so i tried again. In about two push i think finally pop out came his head. Then out i pushed his shoulders. Its a boy. and then went to place him on me. But sadly i really didn't want to hold him. I don't think it was i didn't want to but i was not in any state to. So i remember seeing him, and i def. remember hearing him. But I was still in pain and the doctor was sewing me up. Dave was off taking photos like i told him i had wanted him to. Plus Dave is not the type to want to see some one getting stitched up.
I lost track of Max but trust me i would have lost track of a million dollar check at this point. I know Dave had called the parents and they were on their way. But well you would think all would start easing up but no. How to put this. My butt hurt. I mean this was really painful. So i laid in the bed and was just not crying but whaling. I was a mess. they gave me Demerol(I think that's how it is spelled) and when you get that you go in to lala land. But the pain finally eased. I was able to finally rest. Dave brought Lil in right after they got that to me. I tried my best to be awake and all but i know i was loopy. At least Dave knew better then to bring anyone else in.
So the med started to wear off and i was told i had to eat before i could move. I hate hospital food> < But i want to sit up so i swag my leg over the sit of the bed so i could sit up.. I think the nurse thought i was trying to get up. I was like no i just want to sit up. I think i may have started annoying her. I felt bad.
Then it was time to move me to my room. I was alone. Dave left with Lil for her Easter party and they had Max back to be looked at and all. I was wheeled back to my room and set all up. My parents and Dave, and Lil came back about 2:30. Remember Max was born at 10:40. and then Dave's Mom stopped by real quick. Lather that night my Sister in law, and Dave's dad and one cousin stopped by. So there were a few people. But i felt so lonely. I had not even held Max till after My parents first stopped by. So here is people to see Max and i was hogging him. Well to back I did the work i wanted the first turn.
Ok well I will lend it here for now. Gee whiz look at that book i wrote. I will go on later about my stay at the hospital.
Feeding time for every one. lol