Particle Man, Particle Man...

May 08, 2007 13:01

So, yes, I really just wanted to get the unoffical soundtrack/nugzul out where someone else can take care of the crackbunnies. I mean, even with this, my little brother missed the TMBG reference. I also have this nagging bunny that wants to introduce Harry to the concept of Spear and Magic Helmet, and maybe also diplomacy, while we're ticking off the Evil Overlord list... Well, Venom at least seems to have handled the concept of forensics.

But speaking of those who'd tell Harry, I think the writers had given up on stopping the slashers. Much more UST between Harry and the butler or Eddie and Peter than Pete and the blonde chick, to say nothing of the apparent OT3 of the series. MJ's just extra, really.

Overall, it was fun, but so much was covered that I couldn't really sympathize with any character more than the girls who walked by during the popped collar scene. Yes, the blacksuit is good for plottiness, but the teeth and tongue on Venom are what are made of win, and those only show for ten minutes, max.


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