I think the most appalling thing about Jarvik isn't that he's such a repellent character (although he is!) but that the script clearly suggests that we should somehow be impressed with him...! But although I suppose Servalan can't be helped (although as anne_arthur suggests I believe she was toying with him) it's a relief that the Liberator crew actually get to interact so little with him, and mostly stand around giving him blank stares in a way that I happily can interpret as disbelief at the degree of idiocy displayed... (I've also decided to read Tarrant's "no, that's not what he was" comment as pity - as in "he was a moron, someone ought to have kept him safe somewhere.")
Given Tarrant's ignorant blokey way of being at the start of the next episode, I am afraid i can't be so generous. I like to think Avon is going to help him see the light though.
I loathe HoK, along with the other two Ben Steed eps. He really hated women. The Servalan I know would have used the creep then had him taken out with one of her usual "Oh and by the way" orders.
And how come there was a large lunar lander on the surface, conveniently near for Avon et al to use. Bad plotting as well as scorn for half the human race.
the only redeeming part of Jarvic is that he dies. I am pretty sure he'd have raped Dayna if they hadn't teleported. Looked like it was heading that way.
I was beginning to suspect (this time round) that her out of character desire for Jarvik to go down to the planet as her champion to get the bracelets was the beginning of a strategy to get rid of him. I don't think she's fallen for him at all - or at least I don't want to think that!
Yes, this. I'm not sure it was intended by the script but I definitely got the feeling that JP deliberately played it that way to counterbalance the other stuff.
The basic story is dreadful, so I never want to rewatch this one, but like most of the series 3 episodes the power struggle between Avon and Tarrant makes it watchable. Avon sulks beautifully - for most of the episode he behaves like a spoilt child who can't have it all his own way, but then the way he sees his opportunity and steps in and takes charge is brilliant. I feel that the momentum is very much back with him by the end.
Did Dayna say that Vila had volunteered to go rock-hunting with Avon? I wonder what made him do that? The gear should have alerted him to the fact that it wouldn't be particularly pleasant, temperatures aside... Perhaps he wanted to get away from Tarrant? He already seems pretty fed up with him, and in the light of the next ep one has to wonder if there's some bullying involved. That happy Hug of Victory suggests that he's on good terms with Dayna at least
( ... )
Comments 14
And how come there was a large lunar lander on the surface, conveniently near for Avon et al to use. Bad plotting as well as scorn for half the human race.
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