Discussion Post for 4.08 - Games - General

Nov 16, 2013 10:01

This is the general discussion post for the episode 4.08 - Games. Spoilers for the whole series are allowed.

A man named Belkov, who enjoys sophisticated games of skill, is running a Feldon crystal extraction operation on Mecron II for Servalan. In reality, he's ripping her off by taking a large cut of the crystal for himself, which has unlimited energy potential and far more valuable than diamond. Servalan suspects Belkov's treachery and threatens to kill him, but not before learning where he has hid the crystal. In the meantime, Belkov has contacted Avon promising the stolen crystal in exchange for rescuing him. As always, Avon remains suspicious, and rightly so as Belkov is using the rescue plan to instead pin the missing crystal on the Scorpio crew.
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