The housing crisis and eating out

May 12, 2009 18:12

Every morning, the pooch and I take a short walk through the neighborhood.  Lately I have become aware that while a higher than normal number of houses appears to be for sale along the routes I normally travel, not everyone has too much house.  Every morning Nellie and I pass a mailbox next to which sits a newspaper box for the local paper.  In the ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

supergirlat40 May 13 2009, 02:50:06 UTC
That's really sweet. I have bluebirds in my back yard, nesting, for the first time. My mom used to manage a 40-box bluebird trail on the farm, thanks to my dad building the bird houses and her checking them out daily on a 4-wheeler. Not so easy now that she's 80. She started her bb trails 20 years ago because all the deforestation ran them out of their homes. They don't build a regular nest in a tree--must have a cavity--and most of the rotted trees are now paved over.

Loved the cardinal story.


b_anderson May 13 2009, 21:13:54 UTC
With one thing or another, we are just now adding bird feeders to our property this year. I also want to add some bird houses (a martin house would be my preference), but we are a little late for this season, so I guess we will research site requirements etc over the winter and make it happen for next year.

Checking on an entire bird trail every day sounds positively wonderful. I used to be able to visit with my garden every morning before work, but my new schedule no longer permits that. I really miss it.


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