So I have decided that I want to be so outrageously...outrageous that you will be like, man if there was another Jhonen in the world, I think I'd have to go shoot her
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So last night Tonya- Or, T Cru as we've taken to calling her, came over and got her hat. She hung out for a while. I don't remember everything that we talked about, but we had a blast. We all sat around and talked
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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh I drank way too much last night. I didn't go to bed til around 6 am. I woke up starving and needing water. So I had some more hot wings and drank a gallon of water with three aspirin. Hot wings=bad. I so need a huge pickle right now, it's such an awesome hangover cure
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Everyone uses everyone for's human nature...companionship, sex, drugs, money...some things are more acceptable than others
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OMG So I have a funny beer adventure story to relay to you through pictures! I never get to do this, but AJ is here and he has a camera phone, so we blew it up taking pictures of us on our adventure to go get beer! So here is the story
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I've been watching a particular family at the pool, and I know this is kinda weird, but I can't help but want to introduce myself and become their Jhonen...cuz everyone needs a Jhonen. (if you don't have one I hear they are selling them on Ebay
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