Doctor Who S7E05: The Angels Take Manhattan

Oct 01, 2012 07:07

SPOILERS under the cut.

This is basically an initial reaction. This isn't all I thought about the episode by a long way.

I really hate to say this but - for the first time in quite a long time, I am disappointed in an episode of my favourite TV show. An episode written by the Moff no less.

This has a lot to do with a pet peeve of mine.

The whole point of the episode (as I saw it) was Save Rory From The Angels. And they did! They went through everything in the episode, they managed to save him and not rip New York apart with a paradox! HUZZAH!

And then he got taken anyway.

I hate when things do that. It just makes all of the action of the rest of the story feel so pointless. I mean, River might as well have just not written the book, for all the good it did.

OK, OK, I'm exaggerating. At least he got to live, grow old, and die with Amy. There is that.

But I still feel like being told "we lived a good life" is a huge copout.

I'm sorry. I really hate feeling like this because I so wanted to love this episode. But. I just don't.

It's not even that the Ponds are gone. I can deal with that. I was prepared for that.

It's partly the whole episode being fucking pointless at the end, partly the fact that they are actually dead now (Jesus Christ), and partly because they never got to see their families again and now the Ponds and the Williamses are never going to know what happened to their only children.

I have problems with families getting broken, it upsets me.

Also, coming back to something else from a previous episode - they can never have kids, and that's all Rory ever wanted: to grow old with Amy and have children with her. So basically, it was just the two of them, alone, in the past, and they both know when Rory's going to die. Which is fucking depressing.

Also, did you notice? Amy lived five years (on her own) without him. (This is assuming they're the same age, which I kind of do automatically although I guess Rory could be canonically younger? Though it would be impossible for him to be a qualified nurse at <21 so ...) This makes me sad.

Anyway. All that said, I did actually enjoy 90% of the episode.

I can pinpoint the exact moment that I stopped enjoying, and it was when Rory saw his own gravestone. Until then, I was having a great time! It was scary, it was angels, it was brave and wonderful and ... and then copout.

AUGH. I may need to re-watch and just stop it there, with them all getting into the TARDIS and going down the pub. Yes. And then Amy and Rory just walk away, go back to their nice house, maybe adopt a couple of kids and live a nice, happy, safe life. (Or alternatively, the Doctor takes them to some futuristic hospital where they fix whatever Demon's Run did to Amy, but really, I kinda like the idea of them adopting.) Whatever. And River comes to visit sometimes, and so does the Doctor, but they don't ever get into the TARDIS again because they're happy with their normal life, and everything is fine and dandy.


That's what happened. In my head, anyway. Shut up, I'm a sentimental old fool. I'm allowed.

I was going to say more, but I can't think what it was now.

I might make a more positive post at some point, but this has been eating away at me since we watched it last night, and it made me sleep really badly and get out of bed this morning at 6:15am because I couldn't get back to sleep and AUGH, I needed to rant!

I'm sorry if you enjoyed it and I'm bringing you down.


doctor who, reaction posts, squee

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