Merlin S5 Eps 9, 10 & 11

Dec 16, 2012 00:46

I'm up to date! This ... rarely happens these days, haha. :) Immediate reaction post because of reasons.

... Please can I have my happy shiny silly show back? The one that has Merlin larking about calling Arthur a clotpole and being hit over the head? The one with the jokes and the monster-of-the-week and Gaius knowing everything because it's in the bestiary?

I miss that show! ; _ ;

Not to say that I'm not enjoying S5. I am enjoying S5 a lot. It's just making me really sad! D:

So, Mordred. I really want to like Mordred! But then he is still extremely creepy, much as he was as a child ... and then there's the fact that he needs to be hit over the head with some common sense.

I mean, come on. He watches his girlfriend brutally and unnecessarily murder a man who he probably knew personally - and, yep, still loves her, still wants to make Arthur let her go. What planet is the boy living on?!

That said, Merlin is kind of stupid. Surely he knew that getting everyone to run and capture Mordred would do absolutely nothing to change anything.

... I actually just wish that Arthur had had Mordred brought up into the throne room with Cara and then he could've witnessed her throwing Arthur's kindness and compassion back in his face. Because seriously. What. An. Idiot. UGH.

Oh, and all the stuff about 'Wouldn't you do this too, Merlin?' pissed me off because I'm fairly sure that Merlin has had this exact storyline - only he didn't know the girl from childhood, and she was actually a lot more sweet and innocent than Cara. Ugh. I just want to sit everyone in this programme down and have a good long chat and explain things, while they all shut the fuck up and listen.

... Basically everyone in Camelot is a dumbass. A loveable dumbass, but a dumbass nonetheless.

Moving on.

Gwen's back! Yaaaaay! :D I still don't 100% buy into Gwen and Arthur's romance, but I have to say, I did believe in it when they were on the shores of the Cauldron. (For once. Though I still think Merlin and Arthur's relationship is more compelling and interesting and - IDK, I just feel it more.)

I just wish that they'd used the 'enthralled Gwen' storyline last series, or saved Lancelot's return and the ensuing love triangle for this series. I mean, if Morgana had Gwen in her thrall and then resurrected Lancelot, Gwen's feelings for him wouldn't need to be enchanted - she could genuinely start to love him again instead of Arthur. Therefore making both storylines more heartbreaking, especially when they bring Gwen back to herself and she's still in love with both of them, augh!

This would go double if they somehow managed to get Lancelot back a bit, so he was the one who ultimately encouraged her to enter the Cauldron instead of/along with Arthur ...

Sorry, I'm just a bit bitter about how they handled my favourite love triangle ever by making magic responsible for Gwen's feelings and brainwashing for Lancelot's. :( Their relationship in S1 (S2? IDK, those times Lancelot came back before Gwen was engaged to Arthur) was really well handled and subtle and gorgeous, and then ... they do that. And it's a bit crap. I was disappointed. Sorry.

Hmm ... what else? Oh, yeah - dragons!

The fate of the baby dragon makes me want to cry. What the hell was the Great Dragon doing all that time he was stuck in a pit with Morgana? Eh?! Why did he not take better care of him?! D: D: D: And then he comes and tells us he's dying. AUGH. Dragons! I cannot take this!

Just to intersperse a positive in amongst all of the complaining I've been doing (don't get me wrong, I have loved this series!) ... in the episode where they got rid of Morgana's enchantment over Gwen. When Gaius said, "Because the person I have chosen ... is a woman." I almost killed myself having hysterics. I mean, really? REALLY? Merlin dressed as a woman?! (A thousand genderswap!fic fanatics punched the air I'm sure. Only to be thwarted and disappointed later, I'm sure.)

And then, yes, we really did get Merlin in a dress. :P But it was old Merlin. (I'm still amused that Arthur and Mordred kind of recognised him ... and Mordred knows that he dressed as a woman. Heh. I'm amazed there wasn't teasing. But then, Mordred isn't Arthur I suppose ...)

Speaking of things Mordred knows: NOW MORGANA KNOWS ABOUT MERLIN OMFG! This is ... I can't believe this is happening.

I also can't believe that we are two episodes away from The End - and Arthur still does not know. (I have this horrible feeling that he's going to find out juuuuust before he dies and my heart's going to break because he'll say thank you or that Merlin's a sorcerer and a good man and AUGH I CAN'T TAKE IT. *sobbing*)

... I also can't believe that they're airing the final episode ever on Christmas Eve. Way to depress everyone just in time for the holidays! D: I'm going to be in such a state.

I've already demanded that we watch Merlin and immediately follow it with It's A Wonderful Life because I will seriously need it. (It will also make me cry, but in a good way. Because it's beautiful. Not because it's heart-rendingly awful.)

So, yes. Really looking forward to the next episode ... and at the same time dreading it. Oh, and because I thought it was funny - this conversation actually happened:

Mum, referring to the fact that I wrote my dissertation on Arthurian legends: "You know better than anyone how Camelot ends."

Me, as I ran away upstairs to write this post: "... NO NO NO NOPE I DON'T IT'S NOT HAPPENING, DENIAL, I LIKE DENIAL!"

... I genuinely do like Denial a lot. I'm good at it.

*makes a nest out of all the shiny happy silly fic written circa S1 when everyone was happy and still friends and crawls in*


flailing, reaction posts, merlin, unnecessary emo, squee, random

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