Pointless Drink Review #1

Feb 14, 2009 11:51

Out of sheer curiousity we bought some drinks last week.

One was an energy drink that K was eager to try since the word chilli was included along with blood in its name. I wanted something apple flavoured, and this wasn't as scary as the bottles labelled as "Apple Sidra".

The apple drink was contained in something that would have probably been the result of an adulterous relationship between an aluminium can and a plastic drink bottle.

So what about the taste? K sipped his drink with obvious disappointment. No chilli. Hardly any blood. Bland flavour, tasting a little like a watered down V. He even felt sleepy afterwards. K blames the drink. I suspect it might have been from the Big Day Out, but what do I know?

My apple drink was very artificial in taste, and sadly very boring. I guess the mutant can was the most exciting thing about it. :(

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