You make me think that maybe I won't die alone.

Mar 06, 2008 22:40

I'm in love with a...

locksmith, zamboni driver, pizza maker, hostess, waitress, piano player, camp counselor, TV salesman, bike repairer, traveler, lawyer, ice cream scooper, and an old man.

It's one of those moments.
I hope everybody chills this summer.

1. what do you like least about yourself? Sometimes I don't like my broad shoulders or the way my scapula daggers out of my back.
2. color film or black and white? color
3. how do you feel about ipods? I don't have one, but I've noticed everybody's is usually broken.
4. how do you feel about politics? bleh, I'll exchange opinions.
5. do you watch debates? not so much
6. would you rather go out or stay in? go out
7. are you a photographer? I take pictures.
8. are you planning on remaining where you currently live? nah
9. do you even like where you live? It's easy suburban life, yeah.
10. are you scared? sometimes
11. of what? figuring it out and ticks
12. do you enjoy going to school? I do like learning and there's rarely anything really big that bothers me with LHS.
13. how did you sleep last night? wonderfully
14. what's your favorite kind of meat? fruit or BLOODY BEEF
15. which do you like more: males or females? each have their own stereotypical personalities which I think is cool, but boys are better as a group while girls are good one on one or two.
16. do you think too much or too little? in between
17. how much money do you make? none as of late
18. do you like incense? yup
19. have you ever been in a bad car accident? no
20. how do you feel about yourself? I would like to express this through the art of dance and some painting. Basically.
21. don't you hate chocolate? Do I not have a vagina?
22. baths? I wish I didn't live with 2 males that make the shower floor filthy.
23. have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? yeah
24. are you a republican? all day
25. who is the last person you had a real, honest conversation with? Dave
26. are you romantically involved with this person? We're on a break haha.
27. do you ignore your IMs a lot? no, I hate not getting back to people.
28. what is your screen name anyway? getHIsunscreen
29. and your real name? Taylor Lynne Booth
30. what brand of camera do you have? uhh, sony
31. is it easy to make you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed? easier than you think, but not in situations you may think would
32. is john mccain going to be our next president? probably not
33. who was the last person you kissed? Adam
34. who was the last person you WANTED to kiss? everyone
35. who was the last person to see you naked? me
36. are you dating them? Honestly, I'd prefer not to.
37. do you like to be in control? I don't search for the chance to be, but I have noticed that it takes a certain mindset for me to be told what to do in certain situations.
38. do you like lightening bugs? smushin dem! (not really, yes)
39. what's the best thing about summertime? the memories and weather
40. do you believe in God? shutup, Nancy
41. do you pretend to be friends with people? no
42. do you like fish? I have one and I eat fish on occasion, so sure.
43. how about spinach? broccoli is better
44. do you enjoy eskimo kisses? hehe
45. do you come on too strong? If I do it's as a joke.
46. do you cut your own hair? always
47. do you DYE your hair? never
48. when you're speaking, do you ever just forget what you were saying? I'm the worst at verbalizing anything.
49. which colors would you paint the inside of your house? naturals/neutrals with one or two rooms of green, red, or blue
50. do you frequently break or lose things? no
51. do you swing both ways? You would think so! no
52. do you like those spinning doors at hotels? I choose those if they're available for my use.
53. when was the last time you had a pedicure? never
54. what about the last time you had your eyebrows waxed? 5 years ago
55. do you shower? hardly ever
56. and care about how you look? yes
57. how many languages can you speak? uno!
58. do you have netflix? nope
59. what's next on your queue? I don't know.
60. how many candles do you own? There's about 8 in my bedroom.
61. do you have homework that's gotta be done? always
62. when is the apocalypse coming? I kindof hope while I'm still here. Is that dismal?
63. what is your favorite movie? oh gosh
64. favorite book? The Illustrated Man.
65. favorite song? whatever is good at the moment
66. favorite thing to talk about? Pretty much everything.
67. do you wear a lot of jewelry? only my earrings
68. how do you feel about the war in Iraq? I'm not sure.
69. hahahhaahha. do you laugh at the number 69? You bet.
70. do you like to 69? Obviously.
71. who do you want? all of my friends
72. describe your ideal world. ugh, ideal
73. what makes you mad? Commanding me to do something as I'm doing it or trying to read anything usually works.
74. do you dance? mhm
75. do you dance well? young and sweet, only seventeen
76. how do you feel about britney spears? I agree, I would chill.
77. are you planning to have children? not yet
78. death penalty: for or against? generally against
79. do you like starbucks? I've only had it once, but nah.
80. are you an energetic being? my little cousin calls me boring.
81. are there many different sides to you? not really
82. mozilla firefox vs internet explorer? either
83. how often do you get headaches? once every few months, for real
84. how about colds? once every 4 to 6 months, for real
85. are you a good driver? yes! I like to drive the speed limit.
86. what are you looking forward to? each passing minute
87. what do you wish for right now? my body to not need a shower so I can just go to bed after this
88. what kind of accent do you have? Rhode Island somewhat
89. what kind of accent do you wish you had? I think women with crazy African accents are amazing, so I wouldn't mind one of those.
90. do you get any action? whenevah I wann!
91. what kind of action do you get? ditto
92. do you drink coffee? no
93. what's the strangest pet you've ever had? all of them
94. do you take any medication? Right now I'm on antibiotics for my gonorrhea. Just kidding, my jaw has an infection.
95. do you like when people talk about sex? whatever
96. what's your favorite winter treat? my mother's Christmas cookies
97. do you need to clean? I need to finish what I've started.
98. who you do have a crush on? ooh baby
99. what color is your bra? pink
100. are you glad this is over? I need to go showerrr!
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