kateliciously (1)
vamp926 (1)
bj111 (0)
Eliminated due to no skips left:
snowy_sny Rules:
♠ You do not need to be a member to vote!
♠ You have to vote for two favorites and two least favorite icons using the form provided.
♠ Please check
this guide out.
♠ The icon maker(s) with the least amount of points in each challenge will be eliminated.
The Entries:
Please use this form to vote:
Favorite icons: #00 --- reason
#00 --- reason
LEAST favorite icons: #00 --- reason
#00 --- reason
*Reasons for the favorite icons are not required but recommended.
*Please vote based on the icon's quality, not personal preference, for example: "I hate that effect" and be more specific because that way you'll be helping the icon maker to improve their work.
Voting will close on Monday, May 3rd