I have never been so angry in my life. I am so fucking raging it's unreal. Some stupid wanker was talking shit about my mate and when I squared up to him he fucking ran away. Honestly, I square-go'd him, and he gave me a proper, hard, back hand to the face and then bolted. I hope his stupid fucking friend that filmed the whole stupid thing got that bit. He hit me then ran away. I don't give a shit that he went for me, just he actually wasn't man enough to turn around and face me. And he still walked away feeling like a big man. Wanker, man. Fucking wanker. I wish I could teach him a lesson. I wish he had stuck around to take me one-on-one; I would have fucking TAKEN him. What an asshole. I wish I could change how it ended up. I wish I could make it so he wasn't running off laughing with his mates that some stupid, fat bint thought she could make a difference because obviously she couldn't.
No matter what we do, it's not enough.
EDIT: ok, that was the first and last time I drink Jack. It makes me an angry, angry lady :S I'm quite aware that if I went on a crusade against every bam that says something about one of my friends I'd probably get hit a lot more haha -_- it just sucks..