Jul 02, 2010 11:40
- Andrew Garfield: a) looks like Peter Parker and b) isn't Tobey Maguire. He could be born on the moon for all I care. #spiderman #stopwanking #
- @ chrisphs45 Y'know, you might want to think about using the retweet button instead of just plagiarizing other people's tweets. Thanks. #
- @ truebluela I can't wait for the next home series against AZ to hear
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Jun 30, 2010 11:40
- @ Autumnbuck I'm more amazed that they even have crop dusters to reference. #
- @ truebluela So, odds are Manuel puts in Werth to replace Heyward, right? At least this year the move will make a tiny bit of sense. #
- @ MrLASportsFan And, thanks to Pierre being gone, the Dodgers have no one in the top 25 in ground ball %. (JMart is 26th.) #
- @ MrLASportsFan
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Jun 29, 2010 11:40
- @ dodgerthoughts I was certainly super cross last night. #
- Man, #URU #JPN is going to PKs and I have to go to a conference call. #
- Oops. I got my guays mixed up. #
- Aw man, bummer for #JPN. #
- I like the idea of Hulu Plus, but until there's another (legal) way to get NIck Jr. and live sports, I can't cut ties with cable. #
Jun 28, 2010 11:40
- Hey rest of AL East, just bunt your way to first place! #Yankees #Dodgers #LOL #
- @ ChadMoriyama GIF! GIF! #jeter #belisario #
- @ truebluela Gut-punches like that make people say stupid things. I was ready to trade everybody last night. This morning, it's just a loss. #
- Oh HELL yes! #doctorwho #thingsthatareawesome #
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Jun 27, 2010 11:40
- I don't remember seeing faster shutter speed among iOS4's new features. Nice surprise! #
- No! We we're so close! #dodgers #sherrillsucks #
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Jun 25, 2010 11:40
- @ okay77 Nope, but I am behind a firewall at work, so that may be the trouble. #
- @ uberlou Crap! I forgot! #
- @ uberlou Sure! Then you get a cut if we win! Ha! I started signing up, but I never finished. If you need any info, let me know. #
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Jun 24, 2010 11:40
- He'd do this: RT @SteveDittmore I'm wondering how Bud Selig would handle the Isner-Mahut match... #
- @ uberlou "Del Taco milkshake" I'm terrified and intrigued at the same time. #
- I'm starting to think Isner and Mahut are collaborating to prank the world. #
- @ dodgerthoughts So, Isner and Mahut were dead the whole time? Worst finale EVER
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Jun 23, 2010 11:40
- @ uberlou Not sure if you noticed before you left, but Charter's new lineup is active. I had to reset the Moxi to get them all to show up. #
- @ CharterRobert Other than the changes being five months late, no problems at all! (I kid, I kid...) #
- @ dylanohernandez So, essentially he's saying the mini-plan tactic wasn't quite a success. I am shocked. #
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