Something I would like you to know

Jan 21, 2010 10:10

I was just writing up some thoughts about 'self' for the self dedication ceremony and, although I suspect this may not make it into the final draft, I really wanted to share this with you:

For many of us, our idea of self is an external idea, something we have created based on the expectations and the values of others, which we then layer upon ourselves and accept as truth. In 'Eat Pray Love' Elizabeth Gilbert wrote:
"I don't know how many times Swamiji said it in his lifetime, and I don't know how many more times my Guru has repeated it since his death, but it seams I have not quite yet absorbed the truth of their most insistent statement: 'God dwells within you, as you' [And feel free to insert your own value of god or universe here]
AS you.
If there is one holy truth of this yoga, that line encapsultes it. God dwells within you as yourself, exactly the way you are. God isn't interested in watching you enact some performance of personality in order to comply with some crackpot notion you have about how a spiritual person looks or behaves. We all seem to get this idea that, in order to be sacred, we have to renounce our individuality. This is a classic case of what they call in the East 'wrong-thinking.' Swamiji used to say that everyday renunciants find something new to renounce, but it is usually depression, not peace that they attain. Constantly he was teaching that austerity and renunciation--just for their own sake--are not what you need. To know God, you only need to renounce one thing--your sense of division from God. Otherwise, just stay as you were made, within your natural character."

What I would like you to know today is that you are a diamond. Multifaceted and beautiful. And you have the ability to reflect all that is magnificent and sparkly about others as well. While over time you might have added layers of glitter and polish, nothing is as shiny as your true authentic self.


Have a beautiful day everyone!
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