Babar says they are beginning to talk...
She says that people think that I have stopped contributing...
And it is true...
It's not because I do not love LJ...
It's not because I do not love our readers...
It's because of this:
I wake up each morning to the tunes of KBAQ, the Valley's classical station. (I prefer this station to start my day off with something light) I then drag my tired body out of bed, collect my belongings, hop in my car and head off to practice...
I arrive at practice promptly at 6am (except on days where my brain is too tired to function and I drive to the wrong location...). I run, run, and run until 7:15am when practice is officially over.
I then drive myself to school, accompanied by my favorite teammates, who also serve as a very necessary carpool. I take a shower in the extremely comfortable XCP locker room, and head off to class. At 8am school begins, and I sit through about 7 hours of school...sometimes it can be enjoyable, sometimes it can put you to sleep..
Upon the completion of my school day, I wait around until 4pm. At that time I drive all the way out to ASU to go to Athlete's Performance, where I proceed to weight train with a bunch of guys. 12 guys, one girl...the odds are quite nice...
I drive myself home...where I eat, and give myself a mental break until about 7:30pm...and the I have to start my homework - granted I choose to do it...
Normally I crash and burn between 9:30 and 10:30pm (hahhaha, I know, but I'm TIRED!!!)
The vicious cycle then begins again....
~The QB
(P.S. My life is not really all that just, well, looks that way on paper...(-:
(P.S.S. I hope you all enjoyed my drawings)