Ricky and Sean's party

Sep 25, 2005 18:32

It was okay as the hosting of the party, but in general I had a really good time. Quite a lot of q-mix action and watching Kyle (k-dog, current best ddr player in Britain), Nathan (N-doh) and all of the others passing crazy fucked-up songs which I can't even pass on stepmania with fingers! xD

It was....quite an experience...

Getting to know people...I say I socialized with quite a lot of people, unlike other times in the past. I usually just say hi and stay off in the background somewhere. You could say that I have gained much more confidence in myself now. lol some people even knew my name, (actually...nearly everyone did...even the people who haven't even met me in person!) I thought they didn't know that. Especially the leicter people. I have known them for quite a while now, in a few months maybe about a year. But we never actually sat down and got to know each other properly. We weren't really that close...guess we still ain't, but I would like to get to know them better. Chatted to Nathan, talked to Manda and also to Kyle while playing tag. xD

It wasn't exactly 'getting to know each other' more like just general conversations and messing about. They are actually quite cool people to talk to and pretty funny as well. Quite surprising I never really got the chance to talk to them before...they even asked where I had been because I haven't been around Trocodero lately. lol...awww I was really happy to know that people do notice my disappearance and actually know who I am and care. =)

And I also got to know Anna a little bit better as well. I actually thought her kitty tail were quite cool too. She told me that I was supposed to have given her a dirty look the first day I met her last year and thought I didn’t like her. ohmygod how wrong has she got it? *glomps* I didn’t realize...and if I did I am sorry, but it was for definite that it was not directed at you. I don’t judge people when I first meet them, I always get to know them first before creating my own opinion on that person. I must have been in deep thought thinking about something...and trust me, at the time I had a lot of shit going on and I wasn’t in the best of mood.

I was quite disappointed that no one from London that I knew came, and I was starting to give up hope because I felt a little lonely and I wanted to chat to someone who I knew better. Until I randomly got tapped on the back while watching someone on the q-mix. I turned around...guess who it was?? Tepster!!!1111 xDDDD No lie...I literally gave him a flying glomp attack! I’m surprised he didn’t fall over! I haven’t seen him in AAAGGGEEESSS, like months! Had to catch up on a lot of things.

Chatted, played q-mix and showed all of those n00bs how to really play frozen ray! Its all about turning around in circles...lol, I actually remembered how to do it. xD Then he made me play this really hard version of which doctor on 1.2 speed!!! omg I so died after about 20%...*kicks* It would have been nice if other people from London had came, I am sure they would of had a really good time like we all did.

It was okay during the day, a bit too much ddr’ing for me to take in at one go. But it did get really good around about 9 at night, when we got all of the alcohol...

Shots, vodka, reef, other random stuffs and my good old favourite bottle of Malibu with red bull. =P I offered Nathan some, he really really liked it! It was as if he was having an orgasm while drinking some of my drink! *feels proud* ^_____^ Would have tasted better if it was cold and had ice in it though... Ricky’s brother Vinnie was the first to get drunk though...wwaayyy before everyone else even started to drink! lol bless him. But he kept on trying it on with everyone...especially with me and this girl called Kate. He kept on hugging me stuff and he made me feel a bit awkward. He even asked me out!!! But I kindly said no because I do not go with people that I don’t know...I just don’t operate like that people!

omg I was singing!!! I WAS SINGING!!!! =O Because I heard the girls downstairs sing and I ran down to join them. Kate is such an awesome singer...I want her voice!! It disserved three random hugs from me and that means it was fucking amazing. Anna is fairly good as well. Started singing random songs and was messing about.

Kept on giving everyone random hugs, I just run up to them and hug them cause I really like getting cuddles off from people. Makes me feel like a special little girl *grins* =) Especially Teps and I think Manda...most probably cause they were the nearest people to me at the time...lol Plus I like his hugs cause they are really cuddly and special! I can’t explain it, but he gives the best hugs. ^__^ And also I did random teddy bear rolls outside on concrete in really big circles, then I started to do cartwheels. But stupid Tepster went and did a forward flip to make me look bad! *kicks* MEAN!!! Stealing my spotlight!

Nadia and Anna got along quite good actually...most probably because they had been drinking. But I do hope that things can stay at least half as good as how they were that night. Me, Anna, Nadia, Vinnie were all sitting outside chatting and he randomly came out that he was bi. Then Anna said she was too, so did Nadia and she said I was too before I even got the chance to say it, and also that we had snogged before. I think she wanted to show them...but I didn’t really want to at that particular moment. YAY! we all huggled up after saying that, which made me feel pretty good about myself and fit in a bit better. I like it when things are like this.

AHAHAHA Anna’s boobs are like, so fucking cool! They are like in perfect proportion. (well...that's how they felt to me anyways...) Nadia was lying on the floor outside and asked for a hug, I gave her one and fell on top of her cause she pulled me too hard. THEN Anna decides to join in and clambers on top of me with her boobs digging into my back! Fucking...like we are having some sort of savage three-way orgy in front of everyone!

Yea, it wasn’t too long till Nadia got totally wasted. To the point where she was on the floor and couldn’t move without assistance. She drank so much in one go, I was trying to hold her back a bit but failed miserably. :/ She vomited on my arms and all over the pavement =( ...but its okay, I’d rather help a friend and get a bit messy, then to not help at all. I helped Anna a bit in trying to get her to stand up, but that was out of the question. So we got her into recovery position and talked to her for a while. Got Darren from upstairs and he went down to see her while I went upstairs looking for the others.

I drank quite a bit by then and was buzzing, really hyper and loud. About 5 shots of some apple shot drink, half a bottle of 1.5 litters of Malibu, random vodka, and about 5 bottles of reef. xD So yea...I was quite drunk by then. Teps wasn’t yet, he stuck to his beer and I am not sure what else he drank. *nicks some of that too* But we were with Kate in the party room and talking about a load of jibberish. Then she asked us if we wanted to check out the Quasar room and were like hell yeah! So she took us in, with the dim sparkly lights on. She made us all hold hands so we don’t have to get lost! -__-; I weren't that drunk...I think. *smirks* But then she took us around the maze again, but this time in complete darkness. LOL! I was grabbing onto Teps arm like one of those stupid women from the movies. I kept on bumping into walls and making lots of noise because I couldn‘t see, it was really funny.

Then about 10minutes after we came out, most of us went back inside to go run about the place like loons. I stuck with Tepster while he guided me through while I was holding onto his arm behind him in the darkness. Nathan had this really annoying habit of appearing out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of me! So I stuck with someone so I don’t get so frightened when that happens. *was drunk and out of my head with another bottle of reef in my hand* After a while, the alcohol eventually kicked into tep’s system and got really hyper, tipsy and clumsy as well. Had to keep on sitting on random people and huddle into little area’s that we met up with when we hid in the dark. Kept on falling over each other as well in the darkness.

Oh yea...and he thought he could get away with it. I was standing by the exit door and someone grabbed my boobs in the dark! I immediately swatted and shouted who did it. Just as I said that, the door opened because someone was coming in and the light shone on Teps (who was standing a couple of feet away from me) and some other girls who were behind him. LOL!!! BUSTEDDD!!!! *sticks tongue out* He made up some lame excuse that it was the broom stick that some girl had...*cough* I may be drunk...but I ain’t a fool!!

Yea, it was a lot of cuddling, spinning around in circles, doing cheesy dance moves in the pretty red lazar lights and him trying to randomly pick me up and swirl me about in the darkness, acting as if I am not heavy... Even when we got separated, he always seemed to pounce and scare me from behind a few minutes later. We even sat down in a quiet area in the arena and just chatted, sometimes no one is even in the arena and we wouldn‘t even notice that everyone had gone. LOL! He even used that famous line “Ohh, I’m really tired” *plonks head on shoulder* HAHA!! I had to keep myself from laughing cause I found it sooo funny for some reason. OHMYGODITSSOOCORNY!!! I remember recalling a flashback from another ddr player a while ago performing the exact same stunt as him! If he wants to lye his head down, then just do so! ^____^ Also, we were even holding hands as well when we were sitting together. Thinking back to it, its making me laugh so much. Gosh...we must have been really out of our heads! xD *well I know I was*

One thing that was annoying, was the fact that I get sober wwaaayyyy to quick. So I had to keep on running out of the Quasar and recharge myself with more alcohol. lol...and after that, I was hiding on my own now. Then went through a phase where Kyle found me in nearly ALL of my hiding places!!! NYAA!!! And seeming I get bored...I follow him around until he gets tagged and I run away from him as fast as I can! xD

Kyle: So basically you are just using me to guide you through this maze and make me bang into everything?

Chika: ...yes ^__^

Kyle: mmm...I feel so privileged... [heavy dose of sarcasm used here] xD

Chika: Of course you should! *glomps Kyle’s arm and drags him around knocking him into all of the walls and pillars*

lol...I had a habit of running really fast, forgetting that I am holding his hand and knocking him into all of the walls while I dodge them. AHHH sorry xD *huggles* Don’t mind my drunken self, it does stupid things like that. *goes and does the exact same thing 5 minutes later*

Ricky and Nathan were sooo perving each other up! oh my god, they were all doing seductive stuff and crap. Now we have even more witnesses to clarify that Ricky is officially gay. And Kyle and Na were pretending to suck off a broom stick together which was in between Darren‘s legs. That was pretty interesting to watch...^___^

nya...this one is mostly about teps! *kicks* It would have been good to see more londoners there. Maybe if there were more, I would have suggested the game of spin the bottle. But I had my reasons as to why I never offered the game.

Watch this video of Ricky passing some really fucked up demented song that I wouldn't even be able to pass on stepmania!

[Edit]: lol, I just got sent the simfile and I actually passed it with ease. xD mmm one of those songs i would AA most probably soon...

download here

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