i never go online anymore. in one day. from one teacher. 2 detentions and a refferel..which did absolutely nothing..served the detentions with jenna and twas a party in that room. we had to be split up..yeahh..then got one the same day from te damn lunch mom. curzy...spent most of my week with jenna ~ last night we went to the mall with mike phil
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ive been a bit journal lazy...or just busy. this whole weeks been hectic~ there wasnt a day this week that i went to every class..monday i was out in the morning in guidance and walking to neuqua..then out for most of the rest of the day..tuesday i left at 230..me and a friend had a pass and lindsey just kinda walked out. its okay she only got a
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Lauren is over~ all weve been doing all day is sleeping..eating nasty egg rolls..trying to throw balls at loud cars out of a window with a screen through a tree....talk about inventing an eggroll gun and talk to miiiike.
What a night:o) just got back from the movies with Paige, Lindsey, Lauren, Jenn, Mike gohl, alex, josh breckenridge, and mike bourne...wait we didnt go to a movie im an idiot..we went to apple bees and stuff
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carnival at school today~ the weenies were good...i raced agaisnt some friends in them inflatible jumpy obsticle course things..hah they were breath-taking :op...yeah and i gotted my hair airbrushed pink haha and a batman on my face. look at the picture:o) its kinda rubbed off by now though...
started the day off with waking up at laurens pissed because my cool dream was a dream...again. sigh. then came here, went to the mall with paige morgan ashton eric and finally met jason. Fun times...then me and lauren got dropped off at a friends house. i almost jumped out of a window. ive always wondered if my legs would break. i wanted to. it
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