Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Dec 23, 2011 21:45

Title: Thursday, December 22nd, 2011
Genre: My Life
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A solemn day.

I walked into the classroom, late as usual, but it wasn't as if I could help it. I had to go to my locker.

The room was silent, a direct contrast to the rambunctious nature of the students within. The teacher sat on a char, at the head of the piano, facing the class. Our concert had been successful, but bittersweet.

He called up a student, one who still looked like a little girl, and who was very hard to take seriously. It is possible to gain a respect for someone in a single moment? To find that you do care, when you'd previously taken a person for granted?

She spoke to us. About the good and the bad. The fun times, the growing of a friendship. The love that she shared with the one she called her sister, and the woman she called mom. How that wonderful mother had suffered, and was set free. How she had fought, and not given in.

Across the room, students, young men and women alike, myself included, broke into tears.

She said she had to be strong, because her sister wouldn't care for herself. He sister worried about everyone, except herself. So she had to worry for her sister.

The room was enveloped in silence as she sobbed. The sheaf of papers on the piano fell, fluttering to the ground like the snow that had yet to fall on this first day of winter. Instead, silent tears fell like rain. And sniffles sounded like thunder.

A creak as her boyfriend came down to comfort her. Everyone looked on. We had known, of course, but everything is harsher in the light of a new day.

No one should have to go through that. I wouldn't wish it on my greatest enemy. Not a single person deserves to lose their mother, especially at the tender age of sixteen. When life has yet to truly begin.

Author's Note: It was a really sad day. She died during our concert, and the best friend left right away. We spent the entire class period in silence. But I'm not entirely sure I was able to express the magnitude of the emotions that were running through that room. This was my shot, based on what I could get out. I might edit it later.

my life, rating: pg-13, thoughts

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