According to this incredibly sexist and stupid meme, stolen from
pyraterose,I'm 45% guy-ish and 80% girl-ish. WTF?
[ ] you own a jersey
[ ] you like being sweaty...i like sweating
[x] you love mud
[x] you've played at least one sport on a team
[x] you've played more than 1 sport for fun
[ ] you hate pink
[x] you love hoodies and jeans
[x] pranks are fun
[ ]dogs are better than cats
[x] its funny when people get hurt (sometimes)
Total = 6
[ ] shopping is torture
[x] pulling heads off dolls isnt creepy; its fun
[ ] you dont cry
[ ] sad movies suck
[x] girl drama is stupid (I'm sick of drama! GAAAAH!)
[ ] you own a ps2
[ ] you own a psp
[ ] you own ps
[ ] you own an xbox
[ ] you own a gamecube
Total = 2
[ ] painting your nails is weird/stupid
[ ] at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter
[ ] you used to be obsessed with power rangers
[ ] you watch sports center
[ ] sports on tv are awesome
[ ] gorey movies are the best! (Well, depends on the movie and the gore)
[ ] you arent scared of anything
[ ] you take part in "male bonding"
[ ] you only go to your dad for advice
[ ] you own like a trillion baseball caps
Total = 0
[ ] you aren't sensitive
[x] no pain no gain (I'm a ballet dancer. EAT THAT, you sexist pig)
[x] you like going to football games
[x] night games rock
[ ] spiders and bugs are cool
[ ] you like to freak out your sister or brother or cousin
[ ]you used to or do collect baseball cards
[ ] saggy pants are cool
[ ] you get sports illustrated or another guy magazine (Define a "guy" magazine, please. GRRR.)
[x] fire is cool. (Unless I'm burning)
Total: 4
[ ] you don't babysit
[x] you're immature sometimes (Isn't everyone?)
[ ] it's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[ ] romantic comedies are boring
[ ] you hate dressing up
[ ] you don't care about your hair
[x] you love to go crazy and not care what people think
[x] climbing is fun
[ ] contact sports like football are fun
Total: 3
Now add the numbers up x3 and re-post with your score as:
"I'm ___ guyish"
[x] you wear lip gloss. (Does cherry chapstick count? lol)
[x] you shop
[x] you wear eyeliner
[x] you buy different colored shirts
[x] you wear halters and tube tops (if I had any, I would)
total: 5
[ ] you dont like shopping at hot topic (Frankly, I think it's rather fake. Besides, you can't classify Hot Topic as guy-ish, because it sells imitation corsets! And fairy shorts)
[x] you wear the color pink
[x] you consider dance a sport (It's hard work, yo!)
[ ] you hate wearing the color black (WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?
[x] you like getting manicures and pedicures
[x] you like wearing jewlery
[x] skirts are a part of your wardrobe
[x] you take a long time doing your hair (sometimes)
[x] shopping is one of your favorite hobbies (Uh...thrift stores, anyway)
total: 7
[ ] you hate the movie star wars (Last time I checked, there were more than one. And looking at it from an acting standpoint, they kind of suck. However... It's STAR WARS!)
[x] you cry in movies
[x] you are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics, or dance
[x] it takes you more than 1/2 hour to get dressed and put on other accesories (Sometimes)
[x] you smile a lot more than you should
total: 4
Now add the numbers up x5 and re-post with your score as:
"I'm ___ girlish