Drive-by post of random free stuff, then it's off to the doctor & grocery store & OMG, I'm already running late. Hopefully, work will be easy & I can catch up on LJ tonight.
bliss_ and
bigboobedcanuck need "Exposed" to complete their Smallville collection. It's a meh ep. I make it better by imagining it's Lex on stage ;)
What does this SV episode have to do with implants? Check out pre-SV
Erica Durance (then Erica Parker -- first husband), then watch the ep for her, um, expansion in the northern and nasal trim. I think Erica's pretty, but in no way do I think she's 1) able to play a younger age, let alone her own since she looks older than me; and 2) "the hottest woman on American TV right now," per the IMDB fanboys. YMMV.
Smallville, "Exposed" (506) -- in which Lois Lane becomes a stripper (no, seriously, she calls herself "Amber Waves"). Clark's reaction to all the boobies is priceless. You can take a big gay alien to a strip club, but you can't make him like it.
And, to make this post a little prettier, I offer up long-haired!Jensen:
Still Life pilot -- I'm so glad Marti Noxon's series didn't get picked up. I mean, that's bad for Marti, but it's good for fangirls. I hate Jensen's hair in this so much that I haven't been able to watch it. Well, I watched House of Wax for the Paddywhack, so I should be used to hot guys with bad hair by now.
SSA is back up. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I kinda squeed.