Just a random post. Wanted to show off a picture that wonderful Beck Deck made for me...tee hee hee. Got it awhile ago in my email on a day when I really needed the smile.
Thanks again, chickadee. ♥
And then I just have to post this for all my crew to read. I know that a few of them will get the biggest kick out of this. Hehehe I think it's great. Even made me laugh.
She's the heiress to a multimillion dollar fortune, but police in L.A are trying to talk to Paris for allegedly shoplifting…what’s interesting is what she stole….a copy of her own DVD “One Night in Paris”
HAHAHAHAHA....stupid git.
Ooh and here's some nifty quiz things I found....
LycanthropeYour a lycanthrope: a werecreature, a shifter, a werewolf. You have a strang dual-nature but you are a loyal and protective person. You thrive during in-between times: dawn and dust, when the veils of the world are thinest. You stick close to your family and friends though you often steal off on your own. You are rather mysterious and have a secret side that most don't know about.
Thanks for taking my quiz! Please check out my new quiz,
How Excitable Are You?What's Your Secret Mythical Side? Losing It Occasionally
You are quite a bit on the uber-excitable side. You have no probelm freaking out in public, though this does not happen TOO often. You get excited over simple things and sometimes situations can get the best of you. However, you do have -some- level of self-control over yourself. Sugar contributes to your 'condition'.
How Excitable Are You? Careful!
You're Toothy! You're a busy little beaver and you always seem to be doing one thing or another. You're a caring fuzzy animal and so cuuuute with you're freckled face, buck teeth and big ‘ol beaver tail! Stay away from lollipops though… seriously.
Which Happy Tree Friends Character Are You? Okay that's all. I'm off to eat some food....listen to the radio and then maybe write some of my stories that have been neglected. Gah! ♥