well i kno its hard n all giving him space and not gettin to talk to him but belive me you give him this space and you will be glad you did bc yall will become closer n closer trust me hope everythings works out for you guy <3 cass
you were right he finally broke down and told me he didn't really want a break he just wanted to make me miss him like crazy and visa versa so we'd be really lovey and stuff on valentine's day..but he couldn't handle bein away from me anymore so he broke down and told me :-)
i know :-) he's stayin up all night he just got off work and he's stayin up cleanin his room so he won't be grounded anymore and he can come pick me up after he gets his car back tomorrow..i was like hun you need to go to bed and just wait and do your room tomorrow mornin sometime and he was like no cuz if i go to bed i'll never get up and i'm gonna see you cuz tomorrow is our valentine's day..he's been so0o0o sweet ever since we quit doin this break thing :-) i love him <3
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