So, a couple things I want to post about.
First off (cause it's shorter) I started Wild Adapter(for those who don't know, which is probably most of you, a series by the same person who did Saiyuki). I have to really work to not go out and buy all the manga at once. I don't think Sam likes that I spend 10$ on a book that takes me 30 minutes to read.
I also don't want to read it online, because then I WON'T buy it (this happened before with a couple different series) and I want to own physical copies of it, because this is how I am.
Anyway, I have totally fallen in love with it. It is somehow more gay than Saiyuki, and has more nude women(well topless). That's about all I'm going to say about it. I could go on about how I see the main character (Makoto Kubota) as being a mix between Hakkai and Sanzo and the other main character (Minoru Tokito) as being a mix between Gojyo and Goku and how awesome I find this thought, but most of you wouldn't understand. So this first part is mainly for me, because no one else cares....
Secondly, and more interesting to those who know me, I've been going to massage school. Some of you know this. I'm having a lot of difficulties right now, because I have just discovered that basically all the modality (or technique) classes are taught on weekends.
This SUCKS so bad, I don't even know how to start. I really don't want to take weekend classes that will mean I would be in class for 14 hours a weekend while I'm working 40 hours, and probably taking another 3 hour class on either Monday or Thursday (or worse, taking a 3 hour class both Monday AND Thursday). With that schedule I would be 'working' 57-60 hours a week... depending on the week. The weekend classes usually are every other weekend, but with how stressed I've gotten with the two week day classes and still getting my weekends off, I don't know what that would do to me.
The problem is, not only will I not get done on time taking only two classes a week, BUT I won't be able to get away with no weekends, even if I wanted to add on another year of school. So I'm going to HAVE to do weekend classes, one way or another.
I was thinking about trying to take off a couple days of work during a week I have class, but really, I don't think I'd have that many days built up. I really haven't taken off since last Christmas, but still.
So I have to decided if I want to take this weekend class starting in June (probably on top of the two weekday classes if I want to get finished in time), since it's a class that is required to graduate, and probably go crazy from the stress, or not. This REALLY sucks.