oh, we'll be at frolicon - we've kind of been unofficial staff members from the start. we're great friends of pam and we'll be helping her out a lot this year. we also hope to do shots of consequences again this year [we did it at the frolicon party at fantasm last year], but we need to figure out a way to up the ante. the fantasm/frolicon set are hardcore about their partying - it's awfully hard to make something so disgusting they either won't drink it, or they vomit. i think it's time to pull out the fish sauce. hehe
Comments 6
Love & Hugs,
it was really great to see you, and i had a great time talking to you.
i'm sorry to have brought up painful memories, and i hope i didn't stick my drunk foot into my completely hammered mouth.
i don't know how circumstances will turn out, but i really hope i get to see you again soon.
i don't read or post much anymore, but i might start, so i'm going to add you so that i can occasionally keep up. :)
Jen and Jon [naught]
The memories weren't painful. I love Debbie : ) no matter what the state.
I hope to see you soon too! Ya'll should try to come out to frolicon. We would have so much fun!
hey, maybe i can organize a bake-off.
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