Classes started back last Wednesday. I was a little sad having to leave home and start classes again, but I did miss my friends here to shpoon and shnuggle with (hey - we do do more than just that...). This term I'm taking Theatre 11: Introduction to Theatre and History 11: History of the Modern Era.
History has already proven itself to be my difficult class this term. Dr. Nair definitely knows her stuff - and she is definitely in control of the classroom. And she's got a pretty interesting approach to teaching history. So I'm game.
Theatre has proven itself to be one hell of a bore. Dr. Peyrouse has been teaching since 1950. And for some reason he is always calling out Casey and me even though we're not doing anything. What a blast. We sit every day from 10:50 to 12:05 talking about how plots have a beginning, middle, and end. Or how characters can be protagonists or antagonists. Or we define "tragedy" and "comedy." And after we define these terms, nearly every member of the classroom gives an example. It's just a little tedious. I guess I had hoped that it'd just be a little more interesting. We're reading some great plays - so I guess that's good. However... our discussions are... lacking. I'm just glad this term is only eight weeks.
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The first two rounds of rush were this past weekend, and the last two rounds and Bid Day are this coming weekend.
First round was exhausting - but went by quicker and was more enjoyable than I had expected.
Second round invitations (alphabetically):
* Alpha Delta Pi
* Chi Omega
* Delta Gamma
* Kappa Kappa Gamma
Second round was the philanthropy round where we completed a small craft project - and there were skits - and of course talking.
I find out tomorrow night about third round invitations. I don't think I'll be heartbroken - because I don't really have my heart on any one sorority in particular. But... we'll see.
There has been a bit of drama and disappointment on my hall as a result of rush. It's a touchy subject for some people. So I'm going to stay away from it for a little while.
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Applications for foreign study due Monday.
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A bit of a broken, uninteresting entry. Nap time. And then lunch.