This is always a fun one! I cheated and went over the 10 friends by doing some cutting and pasting and minor code fix-its. :D
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulbabyghia goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Herself.
alisonchainsv1 tricks you! You get an eraser.
divajezebel tricks you! You get a dead frog.
ladytesser tricks you! You get a scratched CD.
lilly_rose gives you 11 brown watermelon-flavoured pieces of taffy.
madclarinet gives you 13 softly glowing blueberry-flavoured jawbreakers.
madrona_8 gives you 8 tan licorice-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
ravenlore gives you 15 light orange root beer-flavoured gummy bats.
rineva gives you 16 red-orange chocolate-flavoured gumdrops.
shiranami gives you 4 milky white tropical-flavoured gummy worms.
uniquekat tricks you! You get a scratched CD.
zola tricks you! You lose 22 pieces of candy!babyghia ends up with 45 pieces of candy, a 2 scratched CDs, an eraser, and a dead frog..Another fun meme brought to you by