Nov 03, 2005 22:09
ahh i love how ive managed once again to fuck everything up.
i love how ive managed to loose like all my friends? when did this happen. i misss my friends. i miss the people i looove to hangout with and talk to who i dont get to anymore.
its realllly saadddd. and i hate it.
school ruins everything.
Oct 24, 2005 19:45
fhdsfh fndjsfjdshfjdsnfds n djsf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 19, 2005 17:52
grr dont kno what to doo with my hair! but its annoiyng and boring right now.
shopuld i grow it like long?
or short?
and dye it?
gsirhgdgh fhdf ghfdbgdsf this is frustrating!!!!
Oct 18, 2005 11:49
"hey thanks, thanks for that summer.."
ahhhhhhhh i misss summer.... ALOT ALOT>..:( :(
seams that everything during the summer is perfect and everyone is carefreeee and fun and lovinggg abnd now everythigns just nottttttttt
Oct 17, 2005 20:30
whereeeee have all the damnnn boys gone?
someone pleaseeee let me knoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Oct 10, 2005 19:14
intresting weeekend to say the least....
Oct 02, 2005 20:15
i love it when steffi talks
i love it when steffi walks
i love it when steffi thinks
i love it when steffi blinks
and i love following steffi to the mall
and i love collectiung little strands of steffis hair and curling them up inot little steffi ha-hair ballllsssss!!!!
this poem is dedicated to Steffi Kay Iovan the love of my life////// <3 <3
Sep 28, 2005 21:43
"i sit here alone,
memories fading,
missing the warmth of your skin and yur sweet lips,
i miss the nights we spent together
i miss the memories we made
i miss lighting up your world
i miss you,
my mind cramps as the memories now escape....
summers nearing end and we must let go