Title: New Beginnings
Pairing: Nirand/Sylar, Mylar, Gabriel/Mohinder hints
Word Count: 1014
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Bondage
Summary: Mohinder needs to understand he really messed up.
Author's Notes: I did the whole Gabriel-Sylar are different thing. More or less? Gabriel's the nice personality, Sylar's the murderous. And it's in a random spot
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Comments 7
Now THERE'S an angle no one's tried yet ...
Welcome! I love your icon! (I prefer Nine, but that's just me, and I haven't exactly SEEN much of Ten yet, so why should I talk?)
"I'll be in India, Nirand. Come find me when the whore and the slut become too much. I don't cheat and I'm fun."
Why the hell is Nirand with Mohinder and Mira for FIVE SECONDS when he could be going with Sylar?! Particularly since Nirand isn't exactly much of a looker (in the TWoP recap, they called him 'a furry little man')
Really? Aw. I heart him. Just because I only hate about two or three people from Heroes so the rest I can smush together in my own ways whether for angst or what not, unlike other fandoms like Lost or Doctor Who.
And thanks! My friend Katy and me just started talking (apparently its how all my things start o.0) and yelled that I needed a gay Dalek somewhere. So it's now my icon after she sat down, drew it and coloured it.
I like Lost and Doctor Who as well! (I haven't seen season 3 of Lost, and I've seen about five episodes of Doctor Who, but I'm working my way up there thanks to BBC America ...)
I don't quite remember who Nirand is (I remember Mira), but I think it is the one guy who tried to talk Mohinder out of following his father's footsteps. Yeah...he wasn't one of the pretty Indians.
Anyway, like I said, unique. Very well written. Good job.
Thanks. (:
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