Title: Perfect
Pairing: Bob/Elle, mentions of a bunch of other pairings
Word Count: 418
Rating: PG-13
Beta: NONE AHA. -ahem- Sorry if there's mistakes.
Summary: Their relationship is perfect. He's her protector. But they both know it's wrong.
Author's Notes:
toestastegood totally made me do it. We were trying to figure out a roleplay scene and we decided orgy
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Comments 4
When she had no one but her father to invite to her birthday party, she'd realised who her true friend was.
she couldn't be minded
Is that wording right? Or is it American? I've never heard it before.
"Elle, do not call me that in here"
... I had to laugh at that bit. Silly Elle.
But I can't believe you actually wrote this! I dare you to write pairings all the time and you never do. I guess I'll just keep setting dares and see which ones you pick up. I think this reveals that you really do 'ship the pair of them (and I kind of actually do like the pairing now - is that odd?)
I know, right? Bad thing is, I was giggling then, imagining her making Bob wear a birthday hat while she had her 21st birthday, so they're at a pub, getting sloshed.
"couldn't be minded" is used here. I say it. "can't be minded" stuff like that. My grammar died right there a tiny bit. Sorry.
I knowz. She FAILED.
UM NO because by the end I'll have to write Bob/Ando/Candice/Sylar/Mr. Muggles/Charlie (the girl that died)/Ted. WHICH I WILL NOT DO. I dare you.
It is odd. You're odd. FAIL.
Anyway, nice job! I love people who are willing to ship outside the box. It's so refreshing! :)
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