The night after the feast, after a day of being restricted to the atrium, the palace opens to its guests once again. The garden they might wander into is fashioned from various shades of colored marble and what might be purple grass (hard to tell, as the light is low and most of it is covered in snow), is marked out in four colors. Red, green, yellow, blue - the territories span stone hedges, a maze of blue marble, two fountains that seem to have frozen mid-stream and several sculptures done in bronze. Despite the nighttime and the snow the garden is only a little cold.
It snuggles right against the base of the castle itself, and in a spot of neutral territory, there’s a doorway back inside, guarded by two of the mute servants from the atrium. They stand there holding trays of hot drinks. Utterly unmagical drinks.
Tempest, wrapped in white furs, steps up on a marble platform to address the crowd again.
“Welcome, friends. I think after the feast we’ve all earned a bit of fun, have we not?” She pauses, inspecting them all with those dark eyes. “Alas, not all desire our entertainments, it seems. I shan't keep you, though I shall warn you - put your feelings regarding bespelling me aside. Tonight, again, I am one of you. And I shall fight as hard as any of you.”
She flashes a beatific smile and hops from the platform.
Another fae, this one with green skin and hair that looks more like vines than anything else, gets up to explain the game. As soon as she’s finished, the territorial beacons flare up. A firework in the same four colors shrieks into the air and explodes to announce the start.
Meanwhile, in the peace of the sitting rooms (which seem to be an eclectic blend of Byzantine and Victorian design), fae of various kinds lounge on available chairs and couches or watch the festivities outside the window. A collection of entirely unmagical drinks and finger-foods decorate the tables and trays of the waiting servants. Card games and board games with pieces that look entirely foreign to newcomers dot the rooms. Fires rumble in the hearths, occasionally throwing off multicolored sparks.
Sit, chat, doze, or explore; it’s an evening of peace compared to the raucousness of the Hunt.
[[OOC: Information about the event and the castle can be found