If you go out in the woods today, you'd better not go alone. [closed]

Sep 21, 2010 00:11

The Wood is bright and friendly and full of birdsong in the half-mile or so around the barracks. Sunlight glances through the trees, turning everything to green and gold. Here and there, between the shadows, individuals appear and disappear. Some of them peek around trees toward the buildings, some of them run laughing through the woods and vanish into bright patches of sun.

And some look nervous, watching the barracks with clear apprehension on their faces.

All, should someone come out to investigate, will vanish at the sound of approach.

[[OOC: The monsters aren't the only ones who feel the Wood waking. The Man With The White Eyes has decided, as he's occasionally wont to do, to take a wander. A shapeshifter, he can appear in any form he wishes, male or female, human or animal. Masculinity happens to be his default form--though few have ever seen it. The only way to tell it's him is by his eyes. No matter his shape, his eyes are the same--white, with a hint of oil-slick rainbows.

This post is first come, first serve; one person or pair per thread. Once five threads have been started, the post will then close. Each person or pair that White Eyes encounters will return to the barracks with a gilded invitation addressed to everyone, encouraging them to attend the local Carnival on the night of the full moon. There's nothing else written on it--no directions, no signature.

A note: for an example of what White Eyes can and quite possibly will do to those who respond, see this entry. Tagging in to this post means giving consent to godmodding short of maiming/personally violating/killing your character. This means possibly being bespelled, transfigured, etc, and unpleasantly. FAIR WARNING. Nothing will be stolen from your character--physical or otherwise--without player consent or in-character dealmaking. If at any time while threading you would like to retcon your participation, send a PM to playonforever . The same is true if you have any questions about the situation as it progresses.]]

harvey dent, neal caffrey, *npc: white eyes, gabriel gray (sylar), bruce banner, the tenth doctor, peter burke, rokk krinn

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