Okay, okay... I'll update already... :oP

Feb 02, 2008 23:01

Yeah, I haven't updated in a while even though I've been meaning to. The days are flying by around here. Without further ado...

Ryan had his 4 month well-child visit on Wednesday. He weighed 15 lbs 10 oz (55th %ile) and was a WHOPPING 27 1/4" tall (97th %ile!!). His head circumference was 16 3/4" (50th %ile). So we have a tall, relatively slim boy with an average-sized head. :oP The doctor commented that he's getting "nice chunky thighs." He got his second DTaP, rotavirus, and Prevnar vaccinations. He tensed up when he sensed what was about to happen but he calmed down fairly quickly afterwards. That night he ran a pretty decent temperature (up to 101.2) and was up every hour to hour and a half. Next month we'll go back to get his second round of HIB and Polio. I'm dreading it.

The biggest news out of this doctor's visit, however, was the fact that HE'S OFFICIALLY TEETHING!!!111@!!! ::falls over:: Both of his front bottom teeth are coming in. The gums are swollen and you can feel the tooth poking through on the right (his left) side. He's been chomping down on things, drooling a lot and running a low-grade fever here and there so I was massaging his gums and bracing for the worst. The doctor confirmed the terrible news.

I'm praying that this is why he's been sleeping so horribly lately. At the very least he's up 3 times throughout the night - 12 AM, 3 AM and 5 AM. He fights going to bed at 8 PM now even though he's whiny and obviously exhausted. The worst night we had so far was when he wouldn't go to sleep until 9 PM, got up at 10 PM, 12 AM, 1:45, 3:30, 4:30, 5:45, 6:30 and 7:15. And you wonder why I haven't updated. BAH! I'm exhausted, people! I'm only feeding him once throughout the night but it's still really exhausting going into his room every couple of hours to give him back his pacifier. Which reminds me - Ryan's been in his own crib in his own room since January 19th. I remember that because I took down his play-yard and packed it up on "the day of the big snowstorm (OMG!)." For those who don't know, snow in Atlanta = rare. Truthfully, he'd probably still be sleeping in our room except I couldn't put him in the bassinet part of the play-yard anymore (weight limit) and I felt bad making him sleep on that incredibly hard slab of cardboard and foam that they call a mattress. Part of my hope was that he'd start to sleep better in his own room on his soft, comfy, crib mattress. HA! Stupid teething. If anything it's been worse. Lack of sleep = a perfect form of birth control. It's going to be a LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGGGG time (if ever) before we have any more babies. I really miss sleep.

Let's see.. what else? Ryan rolled from his back to his tummy a couple weeks ago - so he can roll both ways now. He also started reaching for toys (or I actually noticed that he was doing so) towards the beginning of January. He's laughing more and more - especially when we act really silly for him. Chris's mom says, "it's more entertaining to watch you two trying to make him laugh than it is to see him laughing." HA! He's working on sitting up on his own. He's got strong little abs. He holds himself up in a sitting position for a good 2 or 3 minutes before falling over (Chris claims that he sat up for 10 minutes unsupported the other day but I'll believe that when I see it :oP). I took some video of him sitting up but we're working on getting it off of the camera.

Speaking of which, here are some recent pics:

I'm a meaaaaan mommy. hehehe Our little astronaut? Notice the lack of amusement on his part here.

On his play mat, playing with his animals. Specifically, he's playing with his favorite animal - the giraffe.

Ryan and daddy outside in the "snowstorm" on January 16.

He liked the snow. :)

This is how Ryan sits in his bouncy seat now. I have to strap him in. Notice the unsuspecting giraffe.

"I eat your head Mr. Giraffe."

I suppose that's all for now. I'll try to update more frequently. Hopefully he'll start sleeping again and I'll actually have energy to write in this thing.
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