you know what? no one cares. At least no one cares of those you hurt by blaming them for your attempted suicide. Why are we still on your friends list? It's petty, but seriously, are you keeping us on your friends list for sympathy? I do NOT feel bad for you. You have problems. I expect my friends to tell me how they feel about me. Were you ever my real friend? Probably not. You hurt a lot of people. Not from your attempted suicide, but from your blaming other people for your problems. I was devistated when I read your livejournal when you wrote that you tried to kill yourself. I have my own issues, and when I would talk about them, your issues would always come first. Like it was a goddamn contest. Feelings aren't a contest. I was so depressed at Montclair and I needed to transfer. I would have been the one in the mental hospital over an attempted suicide. Were you supossed to be the only convincing reason for me to stay? I miss our group of friends so much when I'm away, but when I am home on breaks, I always call
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I know you don't know me, but I've certainly heard a lot about you. I'd like to say that you basically summed up all that I said. You can read my most recent entry to her, if you'd like.
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