
Dec 29, 2007 23:11

Dee Laytner - cock_my_gun
Date created: 2006-07-05
Journal entries: 162
Comments: Posted: 46,342 - Received: 2,071

I've had Dee for . . . a year and a half now? H-He's my baby you'll have to pry him from my cold, dead fingers. ;;

Dee is like, my character I fall back on when I am having PLAYER EMO ISSUES or I just want to play someone that doesn't take any thinking at all (who is not Ikki). I'm the most comfortable with him, the one where I'm sure of things and don't have to like - stop and review and do this and that and OMG AM I DOING IT RIGHT. I have thought about dropping him a few times, but I could never bring myself to do it, because it would depress me so much and - while doesn't get out nearly as much as he used to - he has such wonderful camp relationships that none of my other characters have and I would HATE MYSELF for getting rid of those.

Nakano Hiroshi - guitar_hiro
Date created: 2007-01-28
Journal entries: 24
Comments: Posted: 7,390 - Received: 705

Holy shit I've almost had him a year -- ANYWAY. Hiroshi is . . . a somewhat difficult character to play sometimes, because he's so different from the usual retards and he rarely like, flips out and solves his problems the way some of my other characters do. He takes a lot of energy sometimes, because I do have to think with him, and I'm never absolutely sure on his voice/choices/etc., and I WILL ADMIT that I have contemplated dropping him almost as much as another character.

But he's - I love him too much. He's my favorite character, and I would feel -- really, really angry if someone picked him up if I dropped him. I AM POSSESSIVE OF MY GUITARIST and I've come to be comfortable with him being one of my backburners.

Takekura "Musashi" Gen - restarttheclock
Date created: 2007-03-25
Journal entries: 15
Comments: Posted: 3,122 - Received: 48

I have no shame in admitting that I have been contemplating dropping Musashi for months. Probably even before Koutarou and Akaba dropped. I will probably . . . drop him if I ever get overwhelmed with how many characters I have.

But when I thread with him - it'll just one thread that'll remind me how much I love him and how fun he is to play when I do and I just -- I have ISSUES doing it because of that. I-It's an internal struggle every two months you have no idea. ;; I LOVE playing him with I do, but he takes a lot of energy (lol he barely talks WHAT ENERGY RITE) because he DOES talk he's not a ninja and sometimes I wonder if I make him talk too much or two less or asdkjfha;.

And it's not just that - I just. Fell out of love with ES21 a bit. Every so often I'll hear OMG THIS HAPPENED and catch up on canon but - other than that, I'm just not that interested. I mean, I still LOVE ES21, but it's fallen behind my other loves and. Yeah. Watch Juri tell me that something happened and I HAVE TO CATCH UP AGAIN XD

Minami "Ikki" Itsuki - asthecrow_flies
Date created: 2007-06-09
Journal entries: 56
Comments: Posted: 23,387 - Received: 1,896

I will never, ever, ever drop Ikki. If I had to drop CFUD? I would WORK MY LIFE around keeping at least him, and dropping everyone else. This is how much I love this retard.

Sure, his canon is CRAZY and sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all the stuff I should know that I usually forget after reviewing, and the fact he is a FIGHTER and I have this crazy fear of god-modding, but. I love him too much. Air Gear is like, the only canon I actively follow with an unholy obsession and I LOVE theorizing things with my canonmates and coming up with crazy stuff. And he has just - so much to him that I love playing and there's always SOMETHING NEW and he's just so comfortable to fall into. I can play him whenever, whatever - I think it's obvious by how much he is my primary. XD

Lambo - babytipping
Date created: 2007-09-16
Journal entries: 9
Comments: Posted: 1,393 - Received: 6

I apped Lambo knowing he would not get out much. Which didn't bother me! In some ways, he's really easy to play - both as a baby and as an adult. And then again, he's also HELL to play because he's so different in both of his . . . forms? Forms works. A lot of it has to do with just the way he speaks, and how DIFFERENT he is from anyone I've ever played before. I'm not as comfortable playing him as I would like to be - but when I do play him - in both forms - I have a blast.

I can't say I've ever thought about dropping him, because he's still kind of new to me.

Mokona Modoki - manjuueatsyou
Date created: 2007-11-25
Journal entries: 6
Comments: Posted: 1,430 - Received: 63

Okay, so if I had to drop everyone but keep two characters? They'd be Ikki and Mokona.

Mokona is . . . in a way, both the same and different from playing Lambo. It takes a lot of energy to play Mokona, sure, but her voice just comes a lot easier to me, and I find it a lot easier to spam with her. I still haven't figured out why! But since I've had her, she's moved into . . . I want to say secondary primary but that sounds kind of gay. BUT SHE HAS. If I don't feel like playing Ikki for whatever reason, the next journal I log into is Mokona's.

Again, though, I'm - not very comfortable with Mokona! Not voice-wise, but canon-wise there's a lot to Mokona that I don't know, such as RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER CHARACTERS IN OTHER SERIES lol CLAMP and your crossovers. And then there's the whole MAGICAL THING that kind of puts me on edge, because it's something I've never played before. But still I feel really comfortable otherwise, and Mokona is who I bring out when I want to have a lot of fun and rape people's faces.

Also, I might secretly like having a character who jumps on people all the time. Maybe.

[ooc], meme

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