Nov 15, 2004 21:00
I'm sorry to keep posting in here, but I'm just...desperate for some sound advice, and support from people who atleast agree with Babywise.
Hannah has been crying since 4:50pm.
(It's 9:00pm now)
I fed her early at 6:00 instead of 7:00, as she was definitely showing signs of hunger, and she has only slept for about 1/2hour in this whole time.
I've fed her, changed her, rocked her, held her, burped her..I'm at wits end, and feel a stupid failure.
Why won't she stop crying?
I just feel like crying.
That's a lie.
I've been crying, over her, over her crying so much.
I hate hearing her cry, I don't know what I can do, what else I can do, to help her get over these fits. It seems every day is a battle after 4:00, we're lucky if she settles at all between 4:00 and 10:00. Thing is, if I walk into her room right now, and she hears me, or feels me put my hands on her, like right before I pick her up...she stops crying. Completely.
Is there something wrong with her...or me?
Is she being manipulative? ( I don't mean that in a mean way, just she smarter than I'm giving her credit for? )
How long did you let your babies cry?
Am I being a bad parents to let her cry?
(I haven't left her crying this whole time, as I said above, I've checked on her, atleast a dozen times, I don't think I'm being abusive.)