So I got my face smashed tonight.
I'd take a picture and show you the damage, but after cleaning up all the blood, all you can really see is that my nose is slightly more red than usual. Anyway, what happened is this: tonight was the opening game of BYU's Ultimate Frisbee Intramural Tournament. Someday I am going to learn that just because something is a competition, I don't have to play my heart out trying to win and thereby injure myself. Today was not that day.
So the other team had the frisbee and was going deep trying to hit my man. Of course, being the competitive jerk that I am, I couldn't have that. So I ran as fast as I could to try and intercept. Just as both my hands close on the frisbee, I hit something solid and bright lights go off before my eyes; I dropped like a rock. I stand up and immediately realize that pretty much my whole face hurts. My teeth. My cheek bones. Especially my nose. It turns out the "something" I hit was the other player. I'm still not sure what part of his body I actually connected with, but I am quite sure that it was my entire face that connected with it.
The next thing I realized was that my nose had turned into a gusher. Yuck. I ended up with blood all over my hands and face, but luckily I managed to keep it off my shirt. When I bleed, I bleed. However, three gauze pads, five wet wipes, and a mass of paper towels later, I'm back in the game. Not that it did much good. We lost 12 to 6 and are out of the tournament.
On a bright note, that means I don't have to play tomorrow, which means that I am free to go on my date. Oh yeah, I need to tell you about my date.
Last Friday when I was dressed like this:
I couldn't go directly to the dance party. A friend of mine was having a birthday, and I needed to stop in and say "hi" before I went and did my freak thing. As it turns out, it wasn't a costume birthday party. I knocked on the door and then went inside. The house was quite full and very quickly went quite silent as all eyes turned to see... what... had just walked in the door. My friend (her name is Jenni) didn't recognize me until I was about four feet from her.
Anyway, after it became obvious that I wasn't going to kill anybody, the party continued on its jolly way. I was talking to Jenni when she introduced me to her friend Jordan. The three of us chatted for awhile and then Jenni moved on to socialize and play hostess. And so, I talked with Jordan who happens to be quite cute and fun to talk to.
Well, the hour arrived and I needed to move on to my dance party, but I figured, hey, why not? I asked Jordan out. She said yes. The girl has no idea what I even look like and she said yes. There's courage for you. Anyway, we are going out tomorrow.
The moral of the story? I have just proved that I can get a girl's phone number under any circumstances. Lets just hope that since she can handle goth makeup and fishnets, she can cope with a slightly swollen and red nose...