Feb 04, 2012 00:22

>> player

✩ Bacci ✩
Card Count: 54
Level 1>> trading buddies

>> member cards & extras


>> masterednone yet
>> collectingPASSION


>> future

>> keeping

>> trading



Holding for Dany

>> Trading Terms

Collecting: will not trade, sorry.
Future: not trading.
Keeping: I might be willing to trade some of there, don't be afraid to ask.
Trading: ask away!
Backstage Passes: of course :)
Holds: feel free to ask, just remind every once in a while which card(s) I'm holding for you, so I don't trade them away.>> LOGS
February 2012:

Feb 03: Starter Pack: lalala12, hitomi no tsubasa02, perfect area19, sawakaze01,  majilove09, karma09, passion03, passion15, passion17.

Feb 04: Starter Pack Bonus: control17, hana no iro17. Received: passion08, passion19. Traded backstage passes with Dany, Marge and Mei.

Feb 06: received connect09, connect11, garasudama10, matryoshka19 and nininsankyaku09 as a gift from Joyce. Traded backstage passes with Scha and Joyce.

Feb 14: received no buts02 and gekidou06 from Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch 16. Received crystal energy05 and girldemo03 from Triton's Trivia 22. Received inanna07 and kamiya hiroshi13 from Who Said That Line 11. Received daydream20, guns and roses02, hitotoshite02 and the vocaloid08 from Oz's Odd One Out Round 23. Became trading buddies with Joyce.

Feb 15: took almateria10, yourlove03, battlecry03, coolishwalk07, keyplusword05, aidesho10, my dearest08, candyline01, scenery17 (special) and liberame14 (puzzle) from this months release. Traded battlecry03 for almateria15 with Joyce. Traded keyplus05 for almateria20 with Eiji, traded yourlove03 for almateria01 with Dany.

Feb 17: Received passion01 and passion13 from vintage box. Traded liberame14 for passion08 with Marge. Traded aidesho for almateria06 and backstage passes with Dan.

Feb 23: Received weareangels09, comeback11 and lastcross04 from Who's That Seiyu 21. Received shoutout11, merry-go-round14 and takeoff08 from DJ Mary's Mystery Melody 23. Received tomare09 and hallelujah04 from Triton's Trivia 24.

March 2012:

March 01: Received biggest12 and sawakaze01 from etude 12. Received kaerimichi16, hontouso04 and  embryology09 from Triton's Trivia 25. Received kirakira09, planisphere10, re-sublimity01 and 1 ticket as payment for a deck donation. Traded crystalenergy05 for passion18 and backstage passes with Ka-chan.

March 24: Traded candyline01 for passion16 with Dan. Traded planishphere10 for passion08 and backstage passes with Noxie.

March 25: Claimed fightthefear15, shinsekai09, seishunline05, dive03, unbreakable06, tao17, howtogo08, olddays09, circus01and peakedcap08 from the march release. Traded dive03 for shinsekai08 with Joyce. Traded olddays09 for shinsekai10 with Dan.

credits, tcg

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