*Dusts off LJ.*
Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it?
Fannish updates: Hate Tumblr with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. It seems pretty useless for communities; if I'm wrong about that, I'm strongly disinclined to bother learning why and how.
So Fox is thinking of rebooting The X-Files? Bad idea, guys.
I've been getting into The
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Fannish updates: Hate Tumblr with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. It seems pretty useless for communities; if I'm wrong about that, I'm strongly disinclined to bother learning why and how.
Tumblr has communities? I thought it was mainly graphics and people posting memes and answers to anonymous questions. I guess there are clusters of people who all follow each other and reblog each others posts.
I've never quite gotten the hang of the place.
So Fox is thinking of rebooting The X-Files? Bad idea, guys.The fandom is divided. There's a group who are certain it's a done deal. They're excited and "full of feels." Some of them have posted long lists of demands, which makes me laugh ( ... )
David Duchovny is recording an album? I didn't even know he could sing.
Yeah, there's at least one character death on Walking Dead that I'm really unhappy about. But it's nowhere near as bad as Lost.
I've read that Chris Carter and Fox are not close to an agreement. Even if it gets made, it sounds like Fall 2017 at the earliest, which leaves plenty of time for the whole thing to fall apart. Anderson has already said she won't be available to film until next year.
Pretty icon!
Some people never learn.
So agree on Tumblr and The X-Files although, IDK I never really watched the first X-Files so I would possibly be just as likely to ignore a reboot.
I seriously doubt there is any treasure trove of Rick/Shane slash. I was a big fan of Shane (only watched peripherally because my mom watches) and whenever I peeked fandom seemed to be emphatically anti-Shane. (Anti-Lori too, but that's another story.)
I guess my age is showing, because it seems strange to me that a whole fandom would be anti-one character. I remember back in the days when there was far less niche programming, which meant that audiences and fanbases were larger. *Every* character seemed to have a faction back then. Remember all the Draco Malfoy fangirls and the Snape and Spike apologists? Not that I miss them, but it'd be nice to seem *some* love for Shane.
Hahaha thumbs up for your Tumblr hate. XD Nowadays I am only using it for our Jack Coleman Daily fan account and that's it. XD
I don't have strong feelings about the X-Files reboot but I know that both DD and GA totally want it to happen! I guess it'll be fun if they both are in the reboot.
I have to say, I'm excited about Heroes Reborn mostly because of HRG. IMDB says he'll be in the first 6 episodes, so if this is a correct info, I might even drop the show after these episodes. Reboots are tough...
Ugh I looooooove TWD so hard, it's not even funny. But I really don't have a ship. I think it's for the best because characters die like flies in this show. XD But Rick/Shane slash? HMMMMM hmmm.
There's a character death at the end of S3 of Walking Dead that I'm not happy about (and another that I kind of am), but I'm not going to let another show pull a Lost on me in that respect. And, yes, Rick/Shane definitely needs to happen, fandom-wise.
You'd be surprised at how many people think the X-Files thing is a bad idea. I know I was baffled by the response. :-/
I assume you know that Shane wasn't around very long if you've seen spoilers? I stumbled on several slash fics back around season two (I caught up just before season 3 started), but they've probably died off because he's been long forgotten.
Yeah, I haven't been around in a long time either. Damn real life always getting in the way. How have you been?
I'm not surprised. The oldsters on my flist (Facebook users I'd warrant) all think it's a bad idea. The new kids on the block (all Tumblr babies) think it's the best thing since sliced bread, as long as their demands are met...
Oh, the [lack of] humanity.
Facebook?!?!?!?! Are people that willing to let fandom and RL mix publicly?
Yep, I've watched Shane meet his fate. But I never let canon get in the way of good slash. ;)
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