So ignoring the fact that it's a little creepy that I'm as excited about this as I would be my own new puppy, here is a picture of Andy's new dog, Jack.
OMG he is sooo cute!!!! I'm just going to say it right now, Andy's dog and my cat look incredibly alike (except for the whole species thing...)
Although I will sorely miss the name turk, Jack is also very well thought out and I definitely laughed at teh Michael Jackson reference. Applause has been issued.
He's gorgeous! I love the white toes. Kudos on giving him a sensible name that doesn't really need to be explained although Turk would be cool (personally I'd probably end up calling him Turkelton if I he was my dog). I used to go out with a girl that had a cat with similar white paws on a dark body. She called him Kershaw after Nik Kershaw and his fingerless gloves.
Comments 4
Although I will sorely miss the name turk, Jack is also very well thought out and I definitely laughed at teh Michael Jackson reference. Applause has been issued.
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